Is Your Husband Going To Prison? Here Are 10 Things You HAVE TO KNOW…

If Your Husband Might Be Going To Prison, This Is The Most Important Video You Will Ever Watch…Here’s A Fraction Of What You’re Getting…

Finances…What to Do When Your Loved One Is Going To Prison

Warning: Resentment kills YOU Not him. How to work through anger and let go of the grudge (for good!)

Mommy and Daddy have something to tell you – Tips for talking to your children

Bulletproof ways to deal with critical, opinionated, and judgmental people (including family, friends and loves ones)

Why Accepting Your NEW Reality May Be The Key To Long Term Survival (and Sanity)

Your Lifeline: Vital Steps To Overcome Guilt, Shame And Depression

Brilliant Little Tricks to Make It Through The Inevitable Down Days

How To Connect Without Sex

Never again! Creating A Realistic Plan For The Future. Steps to Building The Next 1,3,5 and 10 Years Of Your Life Together

Open Communication – The Lifeblood Of A Successful Prison Marriage

and More!

When I first started this journey, I was honestly clueless and in denial about how much it was going to hurt and how hard it was going to be. I remember I had questions and Ro answered them all for me. There were so many times when I thought no one knew how I felt but Ro’s advice gave me comfort in knowing I’m not alone. She always validated my feelings and let me know that they are normal. This life has a way of making us doubt our own sanity. Ro has helped me by making me feel safe enough to let my emotions out without a fear of being judged. Ro has created a space where I’ve met some of my closest friends. Thank you.

Marianna Luna

I never expected to live this “prison wife” life and I felt completely overwhelmed by doubts, fears and embarrassment. It was like being suddenly teleported into a country where I didn’t speak the language and wasn’t sure if anybody was friendly. Meeting Ro and hearing, “Oh, sweetie, YES. You can do this. I’m here and it’s going to be OK!” felt like a lifeline in the middle of an ocean. Now I’m helping pass on lessons to others, my marriage is amazing (despite our circumstances) and I’ve learned to be my courageous, confident and my cheeky self again! Without her support, influence and wisdom, it never would have happened. She’s amazing and I’m so thankful we met!

Jo Reed