Are You Prepared for a Federal Raid?

Facing the uncertainty of a federal investigation or federal raid is overwhelming. The waiting can feel unbearable—each day filled with questions about what might happen next. Will there be a knock at the door? A 6 a.m. raid? The fear of being unprepared can compound an already stressful situation.

If you suspect you are under investigation, start preparing! Acting early allows you to begin building a record that is different than the government’s version of events.

Review your finances as government investigations are expensive. If you lack immediate resources, consider liquidating assets or seeking support. Having the funds ready ensures that, if you are subject to a federal raid, you aren’t caught off guard and scrambling to cover basic needs.

Start organizing your records. Collect everything that might relate to the situation, whether it’s financial records, communication logs, or other relevant paperwork. Share these with your lawyer rather than keeping them at home where they could be seized during a search. Organized, accessible documentation will help put your mind at ease.

The stress of waiting for the unknown can take a toll, I know. My case took more than three years. Build a support system of trusted friends or family members who can provide emotional stability during this time. Avoid isolation, but be mindful of whom you confide in. Managing stress effectively helps you focus.

The waiting game is hard, but it’s not an excuse to do nothing. By acting now, you reduce the risk of being unprepared if and when authorities come for you.

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Justin Paperny

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