If You’d Like To Earn 24-Months Off Your Federal Prison Sentence, Read This FREE Guide.
My Disclosure…
By giving me your email I am not going to bombard you with with tons of emails or try to sell you anything. I’m simply going to deliver you invaluable content on the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP) and life in prison. I will not pester or pressure you at all. That is not my style.
I’m offering these resources because most defendants come to regret how they prepared for their journey. As a result they made matters worse for their family and them. And there is also a chance that once you review my work, you may want to reach out to chat with me.
Now, I know you know this, but I’ll mention it anyway: I can’t promise you’ll get the same results as my clients or me. A number of people who opt in may never take action. But never forget if you do nothing, you will achieve nothing. Our advice is rooted in data, but you’ve got to begin. Start by reading our guide on the Residential Drug Abuse Program.
Justin Paperny, author of Lessons From Prison & Ethics in Motion

Only Use Our Free Resources If You Believe We Can Get You To Your Desired Results Faster Than You Could On Your Own

Lessons From Prison
This book will help you through each phase of the journey.
Before I went to prison Justin told me how I could take a year off my sentence, plus get guaranteed halfway house time by taking RDAP. Most importantly, he advised me on what I needed to do prior to my incarceration to ensure admittance into the program, as well as which camps had the best programs. Finally Justin, put me in touch with former prisoners who’d completed the program. It was extremely valuable to learn from them before I surrendered. That preparation went a long way into getting me into RDAP soon after I self surrendered. With Justin’s help, I have successfully completed RDAP and will release soon, having served exactly half of my 50 month sentence (with reductions for RDAP, RDAP-guaranteed halfway house, and good time). I cannot recommend Justin enough.
Leigh Sprague
After my 40 month sentence my family and I were devastated. We looked for answers on Google and were very blessed to find Justin Paperny. His expert guidance got me accepted into RDAP. Bottom line is my 40 MONTH PRISON TERM HAS BEEN REDUCED TO 18 MONTHS. I highly recommend Justin. He is professional, accountable, responsive and committed to helping prisoners reduce their prison sentences and get back to their families ASAP!
Lewis Dean McBride
Finding Justin was like a sigh of relief after enduring months of emotional pain.