Welcome to White Collar Advice

Your Partner in Crisis Management through Government Investigations and Beyond 

Who Am I?

I’m Justin Paperny, co-founder of White Collar Advice. I am 49 years old. I live in Orange County, CA, with my wife and two children. I’m a graduate of the University of Southern California and a former broker at Bear Stearns and UBS. A government investigation led to charges against me for violating securities law. 

Our Story:

My relationship with Michael Santos, my co-founder at White Collar Advice, began during my 18-month sentence in federal prison in 2008. His mentorship helped me overcome the complexities I faced, and we now extend that same guidance to you and your family. 

To learn more, review our timelines:

You may have found us through conversations with Michael or our Sales Director, Alec Burlakoff, who was once a client. Or perhaps a Google search led you here. Either way, you’re in the right place if you’re seeking to minimize your sentence and maximize your chances for early freedom through effective mitigation strategies

Michael Santos and Justin Paperny
Michael Santos and Justin Paperny

We Are Not Prison Consultants!

Members of the media sometimes call us “Prison Consultants,”. In reality, we specialize in crisis management. If you’re trying to restore confidence and work toward liberty, we can help.  

Who We Help and Who We Can’t:

We can assist you if you’re a professional charged with a crime, a business person facing white-collar allegations, an elected official under investigation for corruption, or anyone concerned about career impact due to a government investigation. If you’re the subject of any civil or criminal investigation, our services can be valuable to you.

We can’t assist you if you maintain associations with individuals involved in criminal activities, or if you’re unfazed by the prospect of sentencing or prison. If you believe your legal team has all the answers, or you expect guaranteed outcomes, our services aren’t the right fit for you.


We don’t provide legal advice. We consult with individuals facing civil or criminal issues and with law firms. Our team has an unmatched depth and breadth of expertise in the federal criminal justice system, as evidenced by our extensive partnerships and content on our various websites, including WhiteCollarAdvice.com, Etika LLC.com, and PrisonProfessors.com, PrisonProfessorsTalent.com and MitigationArc.com. We’ve collaborated with and been referred by and Eisner Gorin,prestigious law firms, including Latham and Watkins, Perkins Coie, Jones Day, Bird Marella, Werksman Jackson, Law Office Of Diane Bass,  Eisner Gorin and hundreds of others.

For more information, refer to articles on the Bureau of Prisons and Department of Justice websites:

 Bureau of Prisons Article

 Department of Justice Article

FBI Letter

Preparing For Success After Prison Course Implemented In Federal Bureau of Prisons

We collaborate with various law enforcement agencies in our expanding advocacy efforts, including the Department of Justice and Bureau of Prisons. We offer our approved First Step Act course, Preparing for Success after Prison (PSAP), in over 50 state and federal facilities. Bill McGlashan and Mossimo Giannulli are among the numerous leaders who have collaborated with our team to develop impactful courses. The Bureau of Prisons and the Department of Justice have profiled our work. 

BOP - First Step Act

Understanding Stakeholder Perspectives for Effective Advocacy

Our approach is collaborative and necessitates that clients are fully aware of the various stakeholders involved. Knowing who these stakeholders are, understanding their viewpoints, and considering their expectations is critical for a well-rounded strategy.

The Judge:

It’s vital to know what the judge is aware of about you and what they might not know. Your actions and messaging should positively influence the judge’s perception and make a compelling case for leniency.

The Prosecutor:

Understanding the prosecutor’s metrics for success is key. Are they aiming for convictions and long sentences, or are they open to alternative resolutions that could benefit you?

The Probation Officer:

Understanding the role of the Probation Officer and the significance of the Pre-Sentence Investigation Report is crucial. This report often focuses on the offense rather than your personal attributes. Collaborative efforts are essential to present a comprehensive depiction of your character and positive actions as part of a mitigation strategy.

The Prison Personal:

Individuals employed by the Bureau of Prisons have considerable impact on one’s future path. A well-devised plan can influence upcoming months and even years.

We urge clients to proactively identify or create opportunities to positively influence these stakeholders. An effective strategy addresses not only immediate concerns like the pre-sentence report and the sentencing hearing but also longer-term issues such as custody classification and potential transition to non-confinement settings. The goal is to optimize your chances for the greatest possible liberty at the earliest opportunity.

Our Expertise: Tailored Services to Navigate Complex Challenges

Government Investigations

With the increasing scope of governmental oversight, the likelihood of facing an investigation rises. We guide you through these processes to improve your outcome.

Sentencing Strategy

The judge’s considerations at sentencing are nuanced. If you’re unsure what these considerations are, it’s crucial to become knowledgeable and begin preparation as soon as possible.

Character Reference Support

Your friends and family want to support you but may lack the skills to write effective character reference letters. We provide expert assistance to ensure these letters resonate with the court.

Release Plans

While legal representation may conclude after sentencing, your journey does not. Crafting a transition plan is essential for positioning yourself favorably for administrative relief.

Self-Advocacy and Post-Conviction Remedies

The complexities of entering the criminal justice system often extend beyond sentencing. We equip you with strategies to navigate post-conviction stages.

Mitigation Planning

Being proactive about your future involves developing a mitigation strategy to qualify for leniency or early release. We help you build a robust approach for this critical aspect of your case.

Client Feedback: Proven Track Record

Next Steps: Let’s Take Action

We invite you to continue your advocacy by scheduling a call with our team to learn more or request a formal proposal. Our expertise empowers you with the skills and confidence for success at every stage of a government investigation. Act now and benefit for weeks, months, and years to come. 


Justin Paperny

Our Team

White-Collar Felons Prepare for Prison

Justin Paperny graduated from the University of Southern California, then built his career as a successful stockbroker. His practice at notable firms that included Bear Stearns and UBS, specialized in representing professional athletes and hedge funds. Bad decisions led Justin into problems with the criminal justice system.

Michael Santos

Michael Santos partnered with Justin Paperny when they both served time inside of a federal prison camp. While Justin coordinates the one-on-one consulting business, Michael works to create digital content for our team. He also leads our affiliate site, Prison Professors, where we publish content to teach and inspire people going through the journey. 

Alec Burlakoff

Alec Burlakoff held a prominent role in pharmaceutical sales before becoming the target of a federal investigation. He worked with the White Collar Advice team to mitigate sentencing while extensively documenting his experiences, including Selling: Hard Lessons Learned. Alec’s expertise in training and compliance systems has been sought by notable leaders, including Jonah Baize, Glenn Becker, Andy Greer, Jason Bates, and Justin Paperny. He now brings his experiences to bear as an invaluable member of the White Collar Advice sales team.

Patty Westmoreland

Patty Westmoreland earned her bachelor’s degree in finance from Kennesaw State University and her master’s in accounting from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She spent 15 years in banking and has extensive experience in leadership, business development, and providing top-notch client service. In her role at White Collar Advice, she is committed to providing support, resources, and insight to all persons facing the criminal justice system.

Forrest Behne

Forrest Behne obtained his bachelor’s degree from Washington & Lee University before becoming involved in the criminal justice system. Since being released from prison through executive clemency, he has been inspired to help others who find themselves facing legal challenges. He has advanced public health research into the prison system at the University of North Carolina and Duke University and currently assists clients of White Collar Advice as a writer and administrative professional.

Michael Santos

Tulio Cardozo made bad decisions as a young man led Tulio into a government investigation. While serving a lengthy prison term, Tulio trained himself to program computers. By mastering self-directed learning techniques, he emerged as an IT professional and works with our team designing CRM systems.

Bradley Rouse

Brad Rouse earned his undergraduate degree from Harvard. An expert communicator and performing artist, he won the Louis Sudler Prize. As an award-winning theater artist, Brad developed exceptional writing skills, and personal knowledge of government investigations.

Partial Corporate Client Speaking List