Case Study

Nate Schott
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Nate Schott achieved extraordinary success as a dentist and entrepreneur. He built multiple companies and traveled the country coaching other dental professionals. Nate also dedicated an enormous amount of time to public service and missionary work. At its peak, his Tennessee-based organization cared for 50,000 patients each year. Nate’s primary goal was to serve as many people as he could. Unfortunately, he crossed a legal line when billing for his services. While he never intended to do harm, Nate had to face the fact that he’d broken the law.


Case Study:

Nate endured a three-year investigation before pleading guilty to healthcare fraud. He felt disoriented and fell into despair. Then, Nate discovered Justin Paperny’s YouTube videos. He appreciated Justin’s honest, informed, practical message. “I knew the fight had just begun after I pled guilty,” Nate reported. “After interviewing several groups, I hired White Collar Advice and I’m so glad I did. Justin and his team are more than prison consultants. They are counselors, encouragers, truth-tellers and guides that walked me through the entire process.”


Nate worked with Justin’s team to produce a personal narrative. He answered detailed questions about his background, childhood trauma, career, and substance abuse history. Nate spoke openly about the high points and low points of his life story. Justin’s team also spoke with Nate’s colleagues and family members to help them prepare character reference letters.

Justin referred Nate to a mental health professional with years of criminal justice experience. Throughout this process, Nate discussed his lifelong struggle with substance abuse.


“I appreciated the team effort and holistic approach,” said Nate. “Everyone was very professional. They didn’t just tell me what I wanted to hear. They told me the truth in a way that I could hear it.”


The government asked for 51 months at sentencing. The judge handed down a sentence of 33 months. Justin’s team got Nate ready for incarceration. Nate received expert advice on how to stay strong and be productive. Having prepared with Justin’s team, Nate earned early acceptance into the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP). Ten months after he surrendered to prison, Nate went home.


“I did not get out early due to COVID, but because of the skilled and compassionate preparation I got from White Collar Advice. Justin prepared me mentally for life in prison and stayed in contact with my family when needed. I firmly believe I got home early thanks to Justin and his team. I will be forever grateful.”


Nate speaks openly about his legal case: “I definitely broke the law. It had a lot to do with my pride. I figured my good intentions meant I shouldn’t be punished. I learned my lesson. I have a whole new attitude about life. Thanks to Justin, I had the tools I needed to survive the system and rebuild my life. I hope my story helps other people avoid my mistakes.”


Today, Nate works for a dental consulting firm. He helps dentists across the country grow their practices in the right way. Nate and his wife run Tennessee Professional Training Institute, a Murfreesboro-based vocational school. Nate also started a men’s recovery group at his church. He enjoys more open, loving relationships with his family members and friends.


“Now that I’m sober and free, I feel great. The second half of my life will definitely be better than the first. Justin and his team walked me through the badlands when I needed help. I do a lot of service for other people who struggle the way I did. I’m working in my field again. I’m going to reapply for my dental license. My family is healthy and thriving. My best days are ahead of me for sure.”