Challenging the Status Quo: What It Takes to Rebuild After Federal Prison
Last week, someone called to tell me I was only successful because I went to federal prison young, met Michael Santos in […]
Using The U-Shaped Curve To Prepare For Alderson Federal Prison
Walking into Alderson Federal Prison Camp can kick off a rollercoaster of feelings. Recently, a nurse and now a client, called me, […]
Influence Your Case Manager In Prison With Your Iterative Release Plan
“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Case Manager, I’ve been super excited for this first team meeting. I’ve been studying the First Step Act, […]
Prioritizing Preparation for Yankton Federal Prison Camp
A Doctor going to Yankton Federal Prison Camp for four years called me last week. His concerns were far from what truly […]
A business student from USC called me last week after reading my book, Ethics in Motion. He had one question, “What was […]
Making the Most of Your Time in Prison: Lessons from Enrique
In an unexpected encounter at a kids’ party in Urban Air, Fullerton, I ran into someone I had served time in federal […]
Valuing a Fresh Start From Federal Prison
I received a call from a business student at USC after he my book, Ethics in Motion. He asked me: “What was […]
How Alec Burlakoff Got A Shorter Sentence and Earlier Release From Miami Federal Prison Camp
Happy New Year to everyone! Welcome to the White Collar Advice Channel. I’m thrilled to introduce Alec Burlakoff to our team. Alec’s […]
Navigating Federal Prison: Insights from the 48 Laws of Power
Entering federal prison unprepared can be akin to stepping into a high-stakes game without knowing the rules. Even in a minimum-security camp, […]
Preparing for Federal Prison: The Power of a Positive Mindset
Welcome to another installment in our series on getting ready for federal prison. Today, I want to talk about a book that […]
How Ayn Rand’s Philosophy Can Transform Your Federal Prison Experience
In our second book report, we will discuss “Philosophy: Who Needs It?” by Ayn Rand and explore how implementing the ideas in […]
The Virtue of Selfishness: A Guide to Prepare For Federal Prison
I’ve encountered a few interruptions from professors during my talks. Interestingly, it wasn’t discussions about my conviction or the ensuing consequences that […]