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Do You Understand How A Personal Narrative Can Shorten Your Prison Term?

As a thank you for signing up up for our new video series take 20% off our sentencing course. 

Our sentencing course will teach you (with six specific narratives to model) how to convey the four sentencing points judges tell us they want to hear.

What are these four essential sentencing points?

  • You must properly demonstrate your remorse. 
  • You must identify with your victims. 
  • You must identify steps you are taking to make things right and share lessons learned.
  • You must convey how and why you will never return to another courtroom.

It’s not always easy to articulate these points. Our sentencing course will help you. Take 20% off now.

And as a bonus, if you sign up now, our team will personally edit your narrative after you have drafted it. That is a savings of $500. 

If you ever get in trouble, you need to talk to Justin Paperny for wise counsel. I’ve listened to 15 or 20 of his video presentations and speeches. He has taken his experiences and paid it forward.

Dr. Phil

Justin Paperny prepares people for life behind bars. Part fixer, part advisor, and part therapist, he is uniquely qualified, with close ties to Hollywood and high-profile defense attorneys.

Washington Post