White Collar Advice
Our team looks forward to helping you.
Regardless of what stage of the journey you’re in, it’s never too early and it’s never too late to prepare for a better outcome. For these reasons, part of our call will cover the Mitigation Arc:
  • The Charge: What steps are you taking to learn how the criminal justice system operates?
  • The Plea/Verdict: What financial resources do I have to defend against these challenges and what human resources can you draw from to support you through crisis?
  • The Probation Report: What can you do to counter any preconceived notions the probation officer may have about you?
  • The Sentencing Hearing: What resources have you built to differentiate yourself from other people that appear before a sentencing Judge?
  • Post Sentencing: What tools, tactics and resources are you creating to advance your candidacy for the earliest possible transition to liberty?
At the end of our call, you will appreciate the need for self-advocacy, the power of your release plan and you’ll understand how to seize opportunities that advance your prospects for success at each stage of the journey.
Thank you,
Justin Paperny
Co-Founder of White Collar Advice and Author of Lessons From Prison and Ethics in Motion

“Their guidance was responsible for my receiving a sentence that was only 25% of what the prosecution was requesting. Their help with writing a compelling personal narrative and the assistance they provided individuals who were willing to write character references made all the difference.”

Mike Slater

Book Your Complimentary Call!

“Government was asking for 57-71 months, I was sentenced to 15 months.

5-stars, because I couldn’t go higher. I am forever grateful.”

Kent Courtheyn

“Justin and his team are truly experts in the fields of mitigation and prison consulting advice. I have referred several of my clients to White Collar Advice and they have always done an exceptional job.”

David Rosenfield, Criminal Defense Attorney, New York City

“Their guidance was responsible for my receiving a sentence that was only 25% of what the prosecution was requesting. Their help with writing a compelling personal narrative and the assistance they provided individuals who were willing to write character references made all the difference.” Mike Slater