How To Influence Your Sentence: Insights from Judge Bennett and Judge Bough

Key Takeaways from Our Latest Webinar

Yesterday, in our webinar, Judges Bennett and Bough laid out a straightforward plan. They didn’t sugarcoat it. If you want to influence the outcome of your case, you must take control. The key? Self-advocacy and relentless preparation.

Self-Advocacy: Take Charge of Your Story

Judge Bennett didn’t mince words. If you don’t control your narrative, someone else will. The pre-sentence investigation and allocution are your moments to tell your story—your version of events. Judge Bennett made it clear: when defendants prepare their own detailed account, it often conflicts with the government’s narrative. And that conflict can be the difference between a harsh sentence and leniency. Have you taken the time to craft an evidence-backed narrative? Have you ensured the court fully understands your perspective?

Keep Building Your Record: The Work Isn’t Over After the Probation Interview

Judge Bough and Former Probation Officer Chris Maloney delivered a crucial message: don’t stop after the probation interview. Keep documenting. Keep updating. Keep proving you’re serious about making amends. One of our clients recently faced government officials with a meticulously documented life plan. The result? Those officials saw him differently. Are you consistently showing the stakeholders in your case that you’re more than the charges against you?

Preparation Pays Off: Real-World Results

In the webinar, we discussed a client who didn’t leave his fate to chance. He prepared, documented, and presented a complete picture of his life. The judge noticed. The result? A shorter sentence. Judge Bennett stressed that judges appreciate thorough preparation. It shows you’re serious. Have you done the work to create a narrative that stands up in court?

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Judge Bennett and Judge Bough were clear: your preparation today will impact your plea, your sentence, and your life after prison. Are you ready for what’s ahead? Or are you leaving it to chance?

Their guidance is a blueprint. Now it’s up to you. Start documenting, start updating, and make sure every stakeholder in your case knows who you really are.

To get started, call 949-308-1995 or schedule a call here.

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