How to Transfer to HOME CONFINEMENT from Federal Prison in the Era of COVID-19

Federal Prison to Home Confinement

The Attorney General of the United States issued a Memorandum directing the Federal Bureau of Prisons to transfer people to home confinement. Learn how to advocate on your loved one’s behalf, or hire an advocate to help you.

Vulnerable to Covid-19

People in prison are particularly vulnerable to Covid-19. They cannot practice social distancing, nor can they wear masks in prison. Yet staff members may bring the virus inside, leaving people in prison vulnerable and possibly violating their Constitutional rights.

What Can You Do To Help?

Time is of the essence for your loved ones in prison. Articulate their health concerns to show why they are vulnerable. Show that you can care for them better on home confinement. Learn to craft an advocacy package, or hire an expert to prepare your package for you..

Federal Judges Trust Our Work

You can do your due diligence to learn more about why our team can help you. We’ve been there and we know how to navigate the system successfully. Although no one can guarantee what the Bureau of Prisons will do, we can advocate on your behalf, or you can use our free resources to learn how to advocate for your loved ones.

What does the Attorney General Say?

The Attorney General of the United States issued an unprecedented Memorandum. He directed the Bureau of Prisons to transfer more people to home confinement from federal prison.

Will your loved one qualify?

Start an advocacy campaign today to bring your loved one to the safety of home, and away from the dangers of federal prison during this global pandemic.

We include some of the salient points from the Attorney General’s Memorandum below. Consider how you can use those points in an advocacy campaign:

  • Last week, I directed the Bureau of Prisons to prioritize the use of home confinement as a tool for combatting the dangers that COVID-19 poses to our vulnerable inmates, while ensuring we successfully discharge our duty to protect the public.
  • As you know, we are experiencing significant levels of infection at several of our facilities, including FCI Oakdale, FCI Danburyand FCI Elkton. We have to move with dispatch in using home confinement, where appropriate, to move vulnerable inmates out of these institutions.
  • I would like you to give priority to these institutions, and others similarly affected, as you continue to process the remaining inmates who are eligible for home confinement under preCARES Act standards.
  • The CARES Act now authorizes me to expand the cohort of inmates who can be considered for home release upon my finding that emergency conditions are materially affecting the functioning of the Bureau of Prisons.
  • I hereby make that finding and direct that, as detailed below, you give priority in implementing these new standards to the most vulnerable inmates at the most affected facilities, consistent.with the guidance below.

Use these points to begin building your advocacy campaign, or hire our team to help you.

Who is Eligible for Home Confinement?

The Attorney General issued the following directive to the Bureau of Prisons:

For all inmates whom you deem suitable candidates for home confinement, you are directed to immediately process them for transfer and then immediately transfer them following a 14-day quarantine at an appropriate BOP facility, or, in appropriate cases subject to your case-by­ case discretion, in the residence to which the inmate is being transferred.

It is vital that we not inadvertently contribute to the spread of COVID-19 by transferring inmates from our facilities. Your assessment of these inmates should thus be guided by the factors in my March 26 Memorandum, understanding, though, that inmates with a suitable confinement plan will generally be appropriate candidates for home confinement rather than continued detention at institutions in which COVID-19 is materially affecting their operations. 

I also recognize that BOP has limited resources to monitor inmates on home confinement and that the U.S. Probation Office is unable to monitor large numbers of inmates in the community. I therefore authorize BOP to transfer inmates to home confinement even if electronic monitoring is not available, so long as BOP determines in every such instance that doing so is appropriate and consistent with our obligation to protect public safety.

Notice how the Attorney General gives discretion to the Bureau of Prisons. Advocate on behalf of your loved one, using evidence-based data, or hire our team to help you.

Get started today in building an advocacy campaign that could potentially bring your loved one home.

What does the Attorney General Direct BOP to Do?

The Attorney General did not send a mixed message. Look at the clarity by reading below, which we took directly from his Memorandum of April 3, 2020. 

I am therefore directing you to immediately review all inmates who have COVID-19 risk factors, as established by the CDC, starting with the inmates incarcerated at FCI Oakdale, FCI Danbury, FCI Elkton, and similarly situated facilities where you determine that COVID-19 is materially affecting operations.

You should begin implementing this directive immediately at the facilities I have specifically identified and any other facilities facing similarly serious problems.

And now that I have exercised my authority under the CARES Act, your review should include all at-risk inmates- not only those who were previously eligible for transfer.

For these reasons, it’s imperative for family members begin an advocacy campaign for their loved ones today. If you do not know what steps to take, purchase our 15-hour advocacy package to help you launch a campaign specifically to bring your loved one from federal prison to home confinement, using a combination of the CARES Act, the Attorney General’s findings, research from health care, and judicial opinions to build your powerful case for authorities to consider..

How Long Will it Take the BOP to Implement?

The Attorney General directed the Bureau of Prisons to implement transfers with speed. Below is the precise language in the Memorandum of April 3, 2020:

Given the speed with which this disease has spread through the general public, it is clear that time is of the essence.

Please implement this Memorandum as quickly as possible and keep me closely apprised of your progress.

Please use these free resources we build as a tool to help you advocate on your own.

If you need a team to build an evidence-based advocacy campaign for your loved one, we can help. Hire our team, or learn more about our services, call or text us at 949-205-6056.

Will Everyone Qualify for Home Confinement?

The Attorney General recognizes the risks of spreading the Corona Virus. But he also asks the Bureau of Prisons to use discretion when transferring people to home confinement.

His memorandum states:

The last thing our massively over-burdened police forces need right now is the indiscriminate release of thousands of prisoners onto the streets without any verification that those prisoners will follow the laws when they are released, that they have a safe place to go where they will not be mingling with their old criminal associates, and that they will not return to their old ways as soon as they walk through the prison gates.

Thus, while I am directing you to maximize the use of home confinement at affected institutions, it is essential that you continue making the careful, individualized determinations BOP makes in the typical case. Each inmate is unique and each requires the same individualized determinations we have always made in this context.

I believe strongly that we should do everything we can to protect the inmates in our care, but that we must do so in a careful and individualized way that remains faithful to our duty to protect the public and the law enforcement officers who protect us all.

For these reasons, it is essential that people in prison advocate for themselves effectively. If you can do so, please being. If not, please hire an experienced advocate.


Use our free resources available on our website if you want to learn how to advocate on your own. Or consider hiring our team to help you. Call or text 949-205-6056.

What if I don't have any money?

We have an abundance of free resources that we make available. Use the free information on this page. We will continue to publish videos that help you understand more about how to advocate. We create and publish such resources to help people that cannot afford to hire members of our team.

Learn from our free courses or books that we make available on our website at Resilient Courses. Get responses to your questions by signing up for our Master’s Program for $49 a month (we waive the $197 enrollment fee for those that act now).

Through our various web sites, we offer free articles, blogs, videos, and podcasts.

Use our free resources available on our website if you want to learn how to advocate on your own. Or consider hiring our team to help you.

Call or text 818-424-2220


Dr. Phil Reveals Why Our Team is Best Suited to Advocate

Our co-founder, Justin Paperny, leads our team of one-on-one consultants. See why national media turns to him for guidance. If you want the best possible outcome, learn how you can start preparing today.

Feeling Worried About Covid 19 and Your Loved One in Prison?

Work through our free courses to learn how you can advocate effectively for your loved one in prison. If you want an expert, hire our team to assist you.

Call or Text: 818-424-2220

Our team can help you!

Learn About our Advocacy

We have extensive experience in navigating the complexities of the federal prisons system. For that reason, our team is well qualified to assist you or your loved one. During this global pandemic, it’s important to work toward getting your loved one transferred to home confinement. Advocacy can help your loved one qualify.

Start Your Advocacy Campaign Now:

Time is of the essence if you have a loved one in prison.

Each day, staff members go into the prison and they leave the prison. Although they may practice social distancing, the science shows that they may also carry the Covid-19 virus without showing any symptoms. They can bring that virus into the prison, where people are vulnerable.

-People in prison cannot move around freely.
-People in prison cannot practice social distancing.
-People in prison cannot wear masks, even though the CDC advises people to wear masks.

The Attorney General of the United States has directed the Bureau of Prisons to transfer people to home confinement. Yet staff members in the Bureau of Prisons do not always act in good faith. Some staff members have a track record of obstructing people that want to transfer to home confinement.

Rather than helping people transition to home confinement, many staff members block a person’s efforts.

For that reason, it’s imperative for all people in prison to have an advocacy campaign. Our team can help.

My name is Michael Santos and I urge you to begin working to make your loved one a suitable candidate for transfer to home confinement. A Google search of my name will show you my credentials and experience of ADVOCATING FROM FEDERAL PRISON.

Although no one can guarantee whether the Bureau of Prisons will transfer your loved one from prison to home confinement, our team can guarantee to use all of our expertise to assist our clients, using the same techniques that empowered me through 26 years as a federal prisoner.

Through this page and our other websites, we offer free resources that anyone can use to build an effective advocacy campaign.

If you do not have the time, the energy, or the confidence to advocate on behalf of your loved ones, considering hiring our team.

Do not leave your loved one’s fate to the discretion of case managers in the Bureau of Prisons. Launch an effective advocacy campaign today.

Hire our team, or use the resources on this page as a source of information to help you build your advocacy campaign today!

For more information about hiring our team, call or text: 818-424-2220