No Defendant Ever Said, “I regretted preparing for RDAP to get 24-months off my sentence.”

“What Is RDAP?”

RDAP is a voluntary, nine-month, 500-hundred hour program. In 1994, Congress granted the Bureau of Prisons to give up to a one-year reduction of a prisoner’s sentence, and authorize 6-months in the halfway house or home confinement. This provision was for non-violent prisoners who successfully completed RDAP. RDAP is the only program that provides for early reduction. RDAP embraces a comprehensive and intensive therapeutic community model focused on substance abuse, addiction, criminal thinking patterns, coping skills and more. Further, besides the therapeutic model, three groups of treatment are covered: small, module and self help groups. Schedule a call below to learn more, and be apart of the 10% who get into RDAP and complete the program.

September 5, 2016

From: Justin Paperny, Author of Lessons From Prison & Ethics in Motion. 

Recently, I received a call from Alice. Her husband John, a former doctor, is serving 60 months in prison for insurance fraud. Shortly before Alice called me, John called to tell her he had officially been denied access into the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP). He would serve an extra year in prison. Upon John’s surrender, Alice told me, he learned about RDAP. He then took aggressive steps, including paying a consultant, to try to get in.

Through my interview with Alice, I learned that John failed to disclose his alcohol and substance abuse in his Presentence investigation interview (PSR).

Like many white-collar offenders, John felt that opening up about his substance and alcohol use would make him appear unfavorably before the court, and lead to further complications. He was also too embarrassed to open up about it. Upon his surrender, John learned that had he honestly disclosed his issues, and collected the proper evidence, he would have qualified for RDAP and been released from prison 18 months early.

John begged the Drug Program Abuse Coordinator to let him in. Again and again, he was denied. Like many of us trapped in struggle, John wanted a do over.

What Should John Have Done To Prepare For RDAP?

To begin, rather than embrace transparency, John tried to trick prison administrators.

He retained a consultant who told him (after his fee was paid) that he would find a counselor willing to write a letter stating that John had problems with alchohol. From there the letter would be sent to the Drug Program Abuse Counselor. Essentially, this consultant told John and Alice they didn’t “have to really do anything” and that “all their problems would be fixed,” if they paid.

These types of consultants who offer “guarantees” or who mislead to generate an income, sickens me. Additionally, telling someone they can get out of prison up to 24-months early without effort or work, is a lie. Look, if you are expecting to “do nothing and get 24-months off your prison term” we aren’t for you. Our reputation is too important. I have corporate clients like KPMG, Wells Fargo, Mutual of Omaha and hundreds more for a reason.

Fox News, CNBC, ABC, and The Esquire Network use White Collar Advice as a resource for a reason. I embrace transparency and the facts. Those that sell the “guarantee” or “do nothing to get a desired return” are like the guys who tell you you can have six pack abs by taking a pill while eating donuts on your coach.

Before showing up unprepared for his interview with the drug abuse counselor in prison, John should have regrouped. While we know that he was too embarrassed or scared to disclose his substance abuse in his PSR, his inability to explain and sell why he truly had a problem to the Drug Abuse Program Coordinator, cost him dearly.

Again, our solution is transparency. Scores of defendants have hired White Collar Advice after they completed and failed to disclose their substance abuse during their presentence investigation. They have been accepted into RDAP. Again, at the time, like John, they did not disclose their issue…

Others have retained White Collar Advice after they learned simply mentioning substance abuse in thier Presentence Interview would not qualify them for RDAP. Further, we have received calls from families who learned their loved was denied RDAP, despite the judge’s recommendation.

What 4 Mistakes Get Defendants Denied Access To RDAP?

1: They rely on outdated information

2: They rely on misinformation

3: They have inadequate evidence and

4: They can’t articulate their history of abuse in a logical way. Offering clichés and buzzwords you have been coached to say no longer works with the BOP.

What Evidence Actually Gets You Into RDAP?

We work with our clients to gather letters from doctors, a mental health professional or drug abuse treatment provider. Certainly, we can make a referral to a quality professional if you need one. The evidence we compile also includes a first person narrative to properly explain the whole history of your substance abuse.

Our narrative, together with the evidence we collect will:

  • Document your history of abuse
  • Show the pattern of your problems
  • Explain how you have built up a tolerance
  • Document withdrawal symptoms
  • Disclose how your abuse contributed to your problems with the law
  • Lay out the timeline to prove your problems existed 12 months before your arrest of indictment

The biggest problem defendants like John have is not following a methodical, transparent approach to enrolling and graduating from RDAP. We can’t ignore the data and reality that about 90% defendants fail to get accepted. Too many wish or hope it will happen. If wishing or hoping is a strategy you embrace, White Collar Advice is not for you.

Times are changing…

There are so many changes to RDAP—including sensitive ones—clients won’t even email me the details…They either write me letters or have their loved ones call me.

“We can’t discuss RDAP through email. Keep in mind, some information online about RDAP from just 2 weeks is inaccurate. I know because someone just surrendered and the info they received was way off. Here are some changes on the evidence front, including how a lot of guys are getting thrown out. Pay it forward please,” a client currently enrolled in RDAP told me.

Our course on RDAP gets into these changes, and details how more than half of prisoners in some prisons are quitting RDAP, getting thrown out or are being forced to retake phases.

If you are willing to work what are some benefits of completing RDAP?

Besides the obvious time off, you will:

Save at least $100,000 a year.

Let’s do the math:

$400 a month (the cost to live well in prison) times 18 months is around $10,000.

More important, you will be home earning an income and with your family. Taken as a whole that should be at least $100,000.

Additionally, many clients find value in the core modules, the accountability RDAP helps teach and in learning to better understand the decisions that led them to substance abuse and prison.

More than 90% of my clients are pleasantly surprised at how much they learned from RDAP.

I plan to devote much more attention to RDAP, and all its current changes in 2016. To say current, I will film a video on RDAP each Monday and post it that same day. Future RDAP videos will cover:

  • Rules of RDAP (written and unwritten)
  • Templates of narratives that explain evidence of abuse
  • Disadvantages of RDAP (who ever says this program is right for everyone is lying)
  • Typical Day in RDAP
  • 3 phases of RDAP
  • Program Modules
  • Program Structure
  • Course Materials
  • How to get thrown out or be forced to retake a phase
  • TDAT (Transitional Drug Abuse Treatment)
  • Your frequently asked questions
  • And more!

Here Are Your 3 Choices To Learn More About RDAP:

1: Text the word “SOCRATES” to 44222. We will send you our updated course in minutes.

2: Schedule a call with me to get your most burning questions answered now.

3: Click the button below to grab our course. Just tell us what email we should send it to.

My team and I look forward to helping you both get into and complete the Residential Drug Abuse Program.


Justin Paperny
(818) 424-2220

P.S. Some additional items I will send you once you schedule a call or sign up for our free course:

1: A copy of my book, Lessons From Prison, which has the exact blueprint I used to rebuild my life in prison

2: Our newest Prison Gone Bad class which explains why most defendants stay “stuck” and don’t have the productive prison experience they were meant to hav

3: Our newest video we would never post on YouTube titled, 6 Mistakes That Will Get You Thrown Out of RDAP

Before I went to prison Justin told me all about how I could take a year off my sentence plus get guaranteed halfway house time by taking RDAP. Most importantly, he advised me on what I needed to do prior to my incarceration to ensure admittance into the program, as well as which camps had the best programs. Finally Justin, using his contacts, put me in touch with former inmates who’d completed the program so that I could learn from them more about it beforehand. That advance preparation went a long way into getting me into the program soon after I self surrendered. With Justin’s help, I have since successfully completed the program and will release soon, having served exactly half of my 50 month sentence (with reductions for RDAP, RDAP-guaranteed halfway house, and good time).

Leigh Sprague, Columbia Law School, Class of 1999

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