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We publish new content every day to help anyone that has been charged with a crime or faces a sentencing hearing. Learn how to rebuild and emerge with the best-possible outcome from people that have been in your shoes and succeeded.

Would you like to learn more about what happens after a criminal charge?

In what ways will your plea to the charge influence your life?

What steps can you take to prepare for the best outcomes at sentencing?

What does it mean to prepare for prison?

How do you start your life after a criminal conviction?

If you don’t know the answers to those questions, subscribe to our Reframe Masters course.

Our team has extensive experience with every phase of the criminal justice system. We’ve worked with more than 1,000 people and you can benefit from the daily content that we offer.

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Daily updates with information you can use:

-To have a more productive working-relationship with your attorney,
-To navigate the system more effectively,
-To understand how you can influence the proceedings ahead,
-To prepare for the challenges of confinement,
-To overcome the stigma that follows any type of proceeding involving the judicial system,
-To influence possibilities for an earlier release

Subscribe to our Reframe Masters course for a one-time payment of $197, and an additional $49 per month that you remain involved. Begin learning today and we’ll send you a complimentary copy of Earning Freedom: Conquering a 45-Year Prison Term.

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-Access to 30+ lessons that will help you understand various aspects of the court system, sentencing system, and prison system,
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-Sign up today we’ll send you a free digital copy of Earning Freedom: Conquering a 45-Year Prison Term.