Take Control During Uncertain Times


Learn to Advocate for Yourself Effectively

“I sentence you to the custody of the Attorney General for (xx) months.”

No one wants to hear those words, but if the government brings criminal charges against a person, the chances are high that the criminal case will result in a sentencing hearing.

What happens next?

If you don’t know the answer to that question, perhaps it’s time for you to schedule a call with our team. We can help!

A person must learn how to self-advocate. In most cases, the defense attorney will move on to the next case. Sadly, many people who have faced challenges with the criminal law feel as if the defense attorney moved on after he collected the fee.

Either way, for the individual, challenges will follow. The individual bears responsibility for knowing how to respond.

As Seen On

Speak With An Expert

If you do not know how to respond to the following questions, perhaps it’s time you learn:

  • How do I ensure I get proper medical care while I serve my sanction?
  • What factors will authorities consider when assessing me for home confinement?
  • How do I advocate for myself if I feel as if the system isn’t treating me fairly?
  • What does it mean to qualify for compassionate release?
  • What options do I have to influence my future while incarcerated?
  • In what ways does the Prison Litigation Reform Act influence me?
  • How does the administrative remedy process work?
  • What administrative options exist to advance my release date?

The sooner you start to prepare for the journey ahead, the more you empower yourself to get a higher level of liberty, at the soonest possible time.

Recent Reviews

Case Study: How Joe Achieved A Shorter Prison Sentence.