Our exclusive directory will feature only 5 lawyers in each judicial district.

For Defense Attorneys

Who Want More Clients

Dear Colleague,

Each month our websites attract more than 30,000 visitors. Most of our visitors face criminal or civil charges in federal court and they’re searching for trustworthy defense lawyers. We’re committed to providing our clients and followers with the best possible guidance, including helping them succeed by finding them the best legal representation possible.

Could you be the best lawyer for them?

I’m Justin Paperny and I’m working with my partner, Michael Santos. Together, we’re building a specialized directory featuring the best criminal defense lawyers for our clients and the prospects who contact us through our various websites and platforms.

We’re limiting our directory to a select number of lawyers from federal judicial districts across the country. We will never have more than 300 lawyers across America (and no more than 5 in each judicial district).

Why is this directory different?

We do not want to overwhelm our visitors with a meaningless list that includes thousands of lawyers. Instead, we’re using our many years of experience to identify and invite the most appropriate defense lawyers in each judicial district to participate in our lawyer directory. We then promote those lawyers for criminal or civil defendants that contact us or visit our websites.

We are only inviting up to 5 lawyers in each judicial district to join our exclusive directory–if you are interested, please call me at 818-424-2220 or click the schedule call button below. Delay and you could lose the chance to grow your business and help white collar defendants in need.

P.S. We close the directory for good once we hit 300 lawyers. Unlike other legal directories, which include every lawyer under the sun, this is an exclusive directory featuring the best lawyers in each judicial district. Our goal is the best, not the most.

P.S.S. The cost to be included in the directory is $50 a month. That nominal cost helps offset our marketing costs, search engine optimization, promotion and administrative expenses.

Once we hit 50 members in 2017, we close. Take action now!

About Justin Paperny:

Justin Paperny has personally advised hundreds of white-collar defendants and their family members. In addition, Justin has built a career as a lecturer for such diverse organizations as the FBI Academy, United States Pre-Trial Services, Fortune 100 companies, and several of America’s elite business schools. After graduating from the University of Southern California, Justin built his career as a stockbroker at Bear Stearns, then UBS. Bad decisions he made on behalf of a client led to civil and criminal investigations. He accepted responsibility, plead guilty and was sentenced to 18-months in prison. While in prison, Justin wrote a daily blog, then his book, Lessons From Prison. Upon his release from federal prison, Justin wrote his second book, Ethics in Motion. Then he launched EtikaLLC.com and WhiteCollarAdvice.com to counsel others who are or may become defendants in white-collar cases and could face time in prison.

About Michael Santos:

Michael Santos was arrested in 1987 as a consequence of bad decisions he began making when he was 20. A federal judge sentenced Michael to serve a 45-year, pre-guideline sentence. While incarcerated, Michael made a commitment to work toward reconciling with society. His well-documented adjustment required him to educate himself, contribute to society, and build a support network. That deliberate path led to Michael earning an undergraduate degree, a master’s degree, and publishing a series of books that help people understand prisons, the people they hold, and strategies to grow through con nement. Three weeks after concluding 26 years in federal prisons of every security level, Michael became an adjunct professor at San Francisco State University. He now hosts the Earning Freedom podcast, webinars, and works to help others overcome challenges that accompany a criminal charge.