Case Studies

Learn How to Earn the Best Possible Outcome at Sentencing
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Dr. Brett’s Backstory:


Dr. Brett received a sentence of approximately three years for a mail fraud offense.

He never expected to face challenges with the criminal justice system, but as a result of decisions he made at the earliest stage of the journey—he didn’t serve three years.

Instead, good decisions resulted him led to his getting out in 14 months. Here is a brief excerpt from an interview I did with Dr. Brett about his working relationship with Justin.

Going Into the System:


Brett never expected that authorities would target him with an investigation. Several years previously, he had sold his practice.

Later, he transitioned into consulting. That worked led to his working with medical practices that wanted to merge with doctors that offered chiropractic services. One day, a typical day, Dr. Brett anticipated that he would meet with colleagues. Instead, two federal agents flashed badges at him. They wanted to talk.

Becoming a Target:


The federal agents told Dr. Brett that prosecutors considered him as a potential target of a criminal investigation. He hired a lawyer. The lawyer met with the prosecutors. When she revealed the essence of that meeting, he began to prepare for a prison term. At that moment, he understood the gravity of his situation. Life would change. Wanting to know more, he reached out for help.


How Did We Help?


Dr. Brett began his research. He found White Collar Advice and reached out. He connected with Justin and found a lifeline—someone with whom he could relate.

Justin doesn’t bring any pressure.


Simple conversations helped Dr. Brett realize that there was a pathway through the storm. Together, they began preparing for the best possible outcomes.

What Was Prison Like? 


Dr. Brett spoke about his surrender to the Federal Prison Camp at Maxwell. Despite the preparations, he found the experience surreal. After several weeks, he adjusted, and he began to make progress. He secured a good job, and he learned to accept. By accepting the changes, he could develop a stronger sense of humility and tolerance. Dr. Brett began to recalibrate and to rebuild.


Life After Prison?


The other side of the journey brings fulfillment. He has begun to build new businesses and he has been to rekindle relationships.

Although he wouldn’t want anyone to go through a challenge with the criminal justice, Dr. Brett says that the preparations put him in a much better place. The journey is ongoing, but he is grateful to have had a team to help.

If you’re facing challenges with the criminal justice system, work toward the best possible outcome.


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