Case Study: Stanley B.


Born in 1978, Stanley grew up in and around Atlanta, Georgia. His mother taught him that a
hard work ethic and strong moral compass were key to living a good life. Stanley regularly
attended church with his mother and grandmother. He also endured multiple violent and
traumatic experiences, especially witnessing his best friend be shot and killed.
Starting at age thirteen, Stanley worked anywhere he could to earn money and contribute to
his family’s needs. Later, he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business and
Economics at the University of Florida. Simultaneously, he recorded and performed his own
music. A legendary record producer discovered Stanley’s talent. In Summer 2005, Stanley
joined a blockbuster music tour to perform in football stadiums, at Madison Square Garden,
and on a Showtime Special.
Stanley went on to write, produce, and manage young artists through his own successful
company. Then, in 2011, he started purchasing discount airline tickets through a third-party
broker. After his federal case began, Stanley learned that this broker used stolen frequent flyer
miles to acquire these tickets. Stanley later pled guilty to participating in a conspiracy to
commit wire fraud.

Working with White Collar Advice

Stanley had never been arrested before this case. After spending twenty-four hours in jail, he
immediately found the White Collar Advice content online. “Justin Paperny’s videos were
honest and genuine. I related to him and trusted the information. He reminded me of
myself—neither of us belonged in jail,” Stanley explained.
Stanley consulted with the WCA team throughout his stressful journey through the system.
“The WCA team truly understands this process inside and out. They told me what to expect and
what to prepare for. When my lawyer was fumbling the ball, I knew what to say and what not
to say. Justin’s advice made all the difference.”
Stanley drafted his own narrative then worked with the WCA to create the final document. “It
was amazing to collaborate on the narrative. Brad asked me important questions and arranged
it in a way I would never have thought of. It was an incredible experience from beginning to
end,” said Stanley.


Stanley’s key moments came before the sentencing hearing. He did his research and
encouraged his lawyer to negotiate for the best possible plea agreement. The government
eventually reduced their final recommendation from eighteen months to probation.

At the sentencing hearing, the judge still had the option of handing down a five-year jail term.
She told Stanley that she’d read his narrative and character reference letters. Stanley
remembered what the judge said: “She told me I didn’t belong in a courtroom. She said that
she didn’t want to give me anything, but that she had to give me one year’s probation. It was so
good to hear.”


Stanley took his case seriously and did everything he could to get the best possible outcome.
The WCA team members shared their knowledge and experience as Stanley made key
decisions. Stanley followed WCA’s suggestions and worked hard to produce his personal
narrative. “The stress was the worst part by far. My lawyer did not give me the peace of mind
that the WCA team did,” Stanley noted. “I told Justin he should’ve charged me more. White
Collar Advice is the best.”
Today, Stanley mentors young people, including the artists he manages. He tells them about
how he failed to do proper due diligence before buying tickets from a third-party broker.
Stanley shares his experiences to help other people avoid his mistakes: “That 24 hours in jail
scared me. I don’t even jaywalk anymore. I stand there until it says ‘walk’!”