Federal Judges Hate This

When is the right time think time to think about preparing for your sentencing hearing?

Answering that question reminds me of an old saying about the best time to plant an oak tree. I heard a speaker ask that question to members of his audience. Predictably, audience members ventured a guess.

• In the morning?
• In the winter?
• In the summer?

No one had a clue.

Pausing for effect, the speaker then gave the answer. The best time to plant an oak tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is today.

As I discuss in this video, preparing for sentencing effectively will achieve several outcomes, including:

• It will help your judge see and understand you as an individual
• It will help your judge grasp influences that led you to the current situation
• It will help your judge see aspects of your life that could not be conveyed by the defense attorney’s alone

In this video, I also discuss one statement or approach to sentencing they loathe, or to stick with the title of this video, HATE.

Thank you,
Justin Paperny

P.S. Most of our clients started the process with our team by scheduling a call. Feel free to follow their lead! Click here to book your free training call.

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