Blueprint FAQ’s

Who should do the Blueprint?

If you want to emerge from this experience differently than the majority of people who travel through the criminal justice system this program is for you. The data for most is troubling and conclusive: Those that fail to prepare endure continuing struggles that last well beyond a prison term and completion of federal probation. With our help we will dramatically shorten your learning curve and teach you how to use smart, data-driven strategies to restore confidence, grow your network, and emerge from prison with myriad opportunities waiting. Our ideal members fall into one of these categories:

Action-Oriented, People and Those Who Want to Learn and Prepare for the Best Possible Outcome

Whether you just learned of your investigation, are getting ready to go to prison, or you are already home from prison, our membership and online community will ensure you are getting the best expert advice at each step of the journey. If you have a desire to learn, The Blueprint will get you started the right way and keep you motivated throughout the entire journey.

Business Owners/Entrepreneurs
If you’ve owned a business or own a business and want to learn how to ethically and transparently manage a network and business from prison and federal probation this membership program is for you. Justin Paperny’s mentor, Michael Santos, through this course discusses how he ethically and transparently grew a business that generated 7 figures in revenues. By joining our network we will help you leverage off every possible tool to ensure you time away is not wasted time.

Family Members and Loved Ones
If you have a loved one in prison our online family will provide the resources, support and education you need to both hold your loved one accountable in prison and stay connected. Those of us at White Collar Advice understand imprisonment is harder on family members and loved ones. Because we created this program with that reality in mind, Total Justice System Blueprint will be an excellent fit you and your family.

Criminal Defense Attorneys

If you are a lawyer we created this program with you in mind. For clarity, White Collar Advice is not qualified nor have we ever dispensed legal advice. We are, however, uniquely qualified to offer prison advice, including our online course that goes into depth about the importance of working openly and honestly with counsel. Justin Paperny acknowledges he had phenomenal lawyers lead him through the judicial system. What they could not do, however, was prepare him for the trauma of prison, and the lifelong consequences that accompany a criminal conviction. From the time your client receives a target letter, our private coaching and The Blueprint Program will provide value that will educate and inspire them.

Reputation Management
If the Department of Justice or Securities and Exchange Commission issued a press release our courses on reputation management, including blogging, will help you respond appropriately. You’ll learn how to take action to ensure that when future business partners, clients, investors, lenders, or anyone else does their due diligence on your character, you’ll control the narrative.

Is The Blueprint for everyone?

To be clear, this membership program is not for everyone. I am not sure any program, book, online course and so on ever is. Those who think they can simply buy the membership and magically obtain results without any effort, should look elsewhere. If you are not prepared to do so I would not make the investment.

What if I have a question or need support?

We pride ourselves on being responsive. Email any questions you may have to

Is there a 100% money back guarantee?

Yes. We will process a 100% refund to anyone within 30 days. Please note, the guarantee ends at the conclusion of the first training call.  In sum, 30 days or the first training call, whichever comes first!

Can I get access to the course all at once or only in pieces?

You receive access to all content instantly upon placing your order. Proceed at your own speed and engage with the material in total privacy through our web-based platform.

Are my credit/debit card details secure?

Yes. We process all payments through an SSL-secure payment processor.

Does my family also have to sign up for The Blueprint?

No, they will also have access to The Blueprint. We encourage you to build your support group. That support will help you through the journey.

How can I invite my family to join the support group?

Once you invest in your future by joining The Blueprint for those who are serious about making a commitment to conquer the challenges that accompany a criminal prosecution, simply reach out to us with an email to Include the name and email address of the members of your support group who would like access to our private forum. They will then receive an automated response that provides their access credentials.

Besides the entire online library, is there additional support for my family?

Yes! We offer a private forum where your support group can share ideas and learn from a community with members experiencing similar circumstances. Your support group may access our online library, participate in our monthly “office hours” and receive answers to their questions while you embark upon your journey back to success.

When do I schedule my two training calls with a White Collar Advisor?

The Blueprint includes at least two 30-minute training calls with a White Collar Advisor. The “Private Coaching” page of the membership includes a link to a calendar that will allow you to schedule your calls.

Will I receive anything in the mail?

Our products, including our lesson plans, books, courses and videos are 100% digital. The beauty of this is you do not have to wait for the program to arrive in the mail—you will get INSTANT ACCESS with total privacy. You will begin preparing within minutes of signing up! We offer web-based lesson plans, books, and videos for immediate access wherever you access your computer.

What’s the investment again?

Invest $497 to empower yourself with The Blueprint. After 90 days, the cost is $19.95 a month.

What happens after I purchase The Blueprint?

Once you submit your order, you will receive an automated response that confirms your purchase. The email will include your username and password. Use that information whenever you want to access the videos, lesson plans, courses, and specialized content we reserve for those who are serious and make the personal commitment to conquer the challenges that accompany a criminal prosecution.

Still have questions?

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