I had the opportunity to contribute to a new podcast, Better Than Peter. I recorded the Podcast and am pleased to share to our Youtube Channel.
Specific subjects we cover on the podcast include,
One second: Who am I? (this will help you learn to your story in short dosages).
2:20: Why do I tell people I am in the insurance business, not prison consulting business.
3:50: What decisions led me into the federal prison system?
6:25: Do I still feel guilt? Should you if you broke the law?
9:45: Why didn’t I prepare for sentencing properly?
10:12: What would have happened to me if I told the truth to the FBI?
13:35: What are some things a federal prison consultant does?
14:42: Did our clients in the Varsity Blues College Admission Scandal know they were breaking the law?
16:55: Why do some people who have no experience with the prison system break the law?
18:59: What are some factors Judges consider at a federal sentencing hearing?
20:45: Why does the government encourage cooperating witnesses to lie?
23:17: Is it ironic I help people prepare, given that I am a convicted felon?
24:52: Why do I disagree with the premise that we help rich people buy shorter federal prison sentences.
25:30: What do we help defendants do at a federal sentencing hearing?
30:20: What types of cases are we seeing right now?
Thank you,
Justin Paperny
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