How To Prepare For Your Probation Report (PSR)

The further we look into the future the better we can shape it.

Do you agree?

If you do, start influencing the probation officer who will write your probation report (PSR).

For some background, the probation interview can take place the day of the guilty plea, within 30 days or many months later. The PSR report will include recommendations, based on guidelines and the probation officer’s opinion. Your sentencing judge will consider recommendations from the PSR when imposing a sentence.

Besides the importance of the pre-sentence investigation report for sentencing, you should pay close attention to the PSR report as it will play a huge role in your life if you are sentenced to federal prison.

The information in the pre-sentence investigation will influence:

How the Bureau of Prisons classifies you,
What programs you are eligible for in prison,
When you will be released,
What level of liberty you will have after you get out of prison.
Unfortunately, too many defendants buy into the mistaken belief that the probation interview is not a big deal–just a short 10-15 minute interview. That foolish belief contradicts what he have learned from Chiefs of US Probation, Assistant US Attorneys, Federal District Court Judges, the Retired Director of the Bureau of Prisons, the Retired Administrator that oversaw halfway houses and home confinement programs and Retired prison wardens.

If you agree you should do all you can to influence your probation officer, consider enrolling in our probation report course.

Our Probation Report video course covers (amongst other items):

  • Overview of the Probation Report (37:43)
  • What Happens if the Probation Officer Forgets to Ask You a Question? (1:43)
  • How to Respond to Background Questions in the Interview (43:00)
  • How to address Mental Health/ Substance Abuse and Alcohol (and one mistake you must avoid) (15:42)
  • How to respond when the probation officer asks, “so what do you do now and what are your plans moving forward?” (10:12)
  • How to Identify Problems in the Probation Report? (5:39)
  • What Happens After the Probation Interview? (14:00)
  • Of course, our course also includes lesson plans, required documents for the probation report and sample probation forms, including financials you will need to compile and share with your probation officer.

Enroll Now In Our Probation Report Course

When you are released from prison, the first thing your new probation officer will do is review your pre-sentence report. To prove that claim, click this link to listen to the interview we did with the Former Chief of Probation, Chris Maloney.

As I close, answer these questions:

What are you doing to change the government’s version of events?
What are you doing to influence the probation officer who will write your probation report?
What record are you building to show why you are worthy of leniency at sentencing, in prison, and on supervised release? (Hint, asking for a shorter sentence or early release from prison is the wrong answer). You MUST document it over a sustained period of time, starting with the probation report.
Our course will provide the guidance you need to crush this interview! If you take the course and do not agree, send me an email and I will refund your money. You can keep the course.

Let’s get to work!!

Justin Paperny

Read Our New York Times Article

And Lessons From Prison, Free!

Expert Strategies for Excelling in Government Investigations

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