Recently, an indicted salesman called me, unable to sleep due to the stress of his impending sentencing and federal prison time.
From our call, I learned he is looking at 37-41 months in federal prison.
To prepare for sentencing and federal prison, I set several tasks for him to complete within a week. He said he was ready to “get to work”. After a week, however, he went dark!
After watching a recent video (about a month after he went dark), he called me and asked if we could meet for dinner in Studio City. I reluctantly agreed. While eating Sushi, he said he was finally ready to get to work to prepare for sentencing and federal prison. I tasked him with the same items but gave him 48 hours to complete them.
I am proud to report he finally accepted the challenge! I share the details in this video.
Thank you for watching.
Justin Paperny
P.S. If you have been indicted and want to change the government’s version of events, we are here to help. Schedule a call to get started.