Is Your Lawyer Helping You Get A Shorter Federal Prison Sentence?

If you prefer to outsource your federal sentencing to your defense attorney, this special offer is not for you…


Three months ago a white collar defendant who plead guilty to paying kickbacks called me. He wanted our help in preparing for his presentence interview(PSR) and his federal sentencing.

Following our call, he asked his white-collar defense attorney for his opinion on hiring a federal prison consultant. The defense attorney told him he did not need a federal prison consultant because he was going to “definitely get sentenced to federal probation.”

As a result of that bad advice, this white collar defendant failed to truly prepare for his sentencing. He did not prepare for his presentence interview–as a result, his PSR did not include his history of drinking which could have helped him qualify for the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP).

Well, I think you see where this is going. As a result of his failed preparations, he did not get the outcome he expected; he was sentened to 27 months in federal prison. He regretted not using his judgment months ago.

Our new client asked me to share this video with you to ensure you do not make his mistakes. There can be no success without a plan and hard work. Watch this video, but more importantly, take action. Use your judgment to determine what is in your best interest.

To taking action and your white-collar defense attorney, it is important you learn to ask the right questions. If they are against a consultant, ask why. If they are against you writing a personal narrative, ask why. If they do not plan to attend your presentence interview with you, ask why. And so on.

When I was a defendant I did not know what questions to ask or how to follow up appropriately. I was fortunate to have excellent lawyers, yet in retrospect, I could have done much more to mitigate.

If you wish to take matters into your own hands, we can help. To that end, simply click the schedule your call now button below to get started. We look forward to helping you…

Invest In Both Of Our Calculators And Save 15%

Our Release-Date Calculator Will Help You:

  • Learn how many days off you’ll receive in good time.
  • Show how you’ll benefit if you qualify for RDAP.
  • Provide you with the date that you’ll come home with or without RDAP
  • And much more…

Our Custody and Classification Calculator will help you:

  • Understand how officials in the Bureau of Prisons will classify you.
  • Understand how officials in the BOP will assess your base scoring level.
  • Understand how officials in the BOP will assess your custody scoring level.
  • And much more…

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