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Learn How Digital Marketing Can Help Shorten Your Sentence

Justin has written an honest and compelling message that challenges all of us to examine our lives and to recalibrate the moral compass that directs our actions. I highly recommend his book, Ethics in Motion.
Steve Reinemund

Dean of Business, Wake Forest University, Retired Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo

Justin shows how to use digital marketing to reinvent ourselves and overcome struggle. In his book Ethics in Motion, he describes mistakes that resulted in his transition from stockbroker to prisoner to consultant. We learn from his story of resiliency.
John Ullmen, Ph.D.

UCLA Anderson School of Management, Author of Who Wins in Conflct?

My MBA students tell me that Justin’s message spoeaks to them. His stories of rebuilding help us all. We’re grateful for his expertise. He shows that regardless of past bad decisions, it’s never too late to start making good decisions.
Professor Dennis Torres

Peperdine University, Graziadio School of Business Management