Digital Marketing Expertise

For Business Owners & Entrepreneurs
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How We Collaborate to Build Digital Marketing Strategies for You













Let’s Start with an Interview

The first step should begin with a conversation. No big deal. We want to understand more about what you’re striving to accomplish. We also need to know the budget you have in mind. Once our team has a full grasp of your goals, we can offer suggestions for you to consider. Whether you want to build brand awareness, generate more qualified leads, increase revenues for your business, or improve your online reputation, we can help you. During the interview, we’ll offer examples for you to review so that you can see results from our digital marketing expertise. Click the button above to access a digital book that shows how digital marketing helped me build seven-figure businesses in an extremely small niche market. 


Once we have a full understanding of your goals, we’ll craft a plan. That plan may include a singular project, like creating a digital brochure that promotes your business. It may include a digital book that profiles your life story and the reasons behind the amazing contributions you’ve made to the world. Your plan may include videos of your work environment, or videos of you in action. We may create a podcast series that helps your prospective customers learn more about the ways that you bring value. We will work on a plan together, discussing the advantages, investment, and results from each endeavor. Whether your plan includes a single project of creating a digital resource, or an ongoing plan to build a campaign, we will work to ensure your success.


Some digital marketing projects require research, and our team can help. We will learn more about your business, your life, and your objectives. Then we will research the industry. Together, this information will help us create an ongoing stream of content. Content in multiple formats, including text-based, video series, audio files will ensure that we reach your targeted audience everywhere.

With digital marketing, we’re striving to help you build domain expertise. You are the master of your niche, and it’s crucial that you communicate the value that your customers will receive with they transact with you.  Digital marketing is an ongoing investment. We’ll work together to create an appropriate plan that brings you the clear deliverables that you’re after. A clear understanding of how you define success will help our team research the best way to deliver results that you can measure.


You’re not the typical entrepreneur that solicits new clients by passing out business cards. You’ve got way more to offer. For that reason, our team will work closely with you to ghostwrite your story.

In this era of smartphones, tablet devices, and desktop computers, it’s more important than ever for leaders to communicate their stories. You may be too busy to take the time for scripting. That’s why our dedicated team will collaborate with you to get your story out in the following formats:

  • Digital brochures
  • Ebooks
  • Softcover books

We will draft, edit, and format your manuscripts. We will publish under your name, solidifying your expertise and authority on the subject matter of your choice. Whether it’s a five-page digital brochure, or a book-length manuscript, we can bring your ideas to market.


With digital marketing, we want a cohesive brand. After we’ve done our planning and we have a full understanding of your goals, we’ll take next steps. That means designing the various platforms where we will publish your amazing story.

We’ll start with your personal website. If you don’t have one already, we’ll coordinate an appropriate domain name and hosting plan. Then we’ll layout a website that allows us to begin building your online presence. 

We’ll create new channels for you on YouTube, iTunes, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social platforms. Each of your platforms will have cohesive branding, with logos, colors, and matching fonts.

Each digital resource we create together will bring lifetime value to your business and your life. Let’s build an online presence that helps your customers know, like, and trust you. With this project, you’ll achieve your goals by converting more prospects into your brand ambassadors, helping more people understand the value you provide. That trust will lead to more transactions and success, as you define success.


The power of voice recordings is growing every day, for obvious reasons. With voice recordings, your customers can learn more about the value you bring. Podcasts allow your prospective customers to learn about you while they’re at the gym, while they’re running, while they’re driving their car in traffic.

We will work together to tell your story in an audio format. First we will script an episode plan. Your plan may include a five-part series, or a ten-part series. It will present a message that your listeners can follow. Each podcast will give away information that establishes you as an expert in your domain.

Audio files position you for the evolution of 5G technology, which will change the way that people access information. Rather than accessing information through a Google search bar, people will get their informatin from:

  • Alexa apps from Amazon
  • Google Voice or Apple Siri
  • Facebook Voice apps

Each podcast episode we create will position you for success in the 5G voice-activated world.


You’ve heard that a picture tells a thousand words. Well a video tells a thousand stories. We will work together to create a video series that profiles the value you bring to your intended audience. Use this videos to connect and build more trust.

Ideally, you want your prospective customers to know, like, and trust you before they ever connect with you. Nothing helps to communicate your messaging like video. We can coordinate scripting, filming, editing, and publishing for you.

Use video to profile your place of busines and highlight the experience your customers will have when they work with you. Use your YouTube channel to offer tutorials or that show why you’re the expert in your domain. Create a series that helps customers grasp why they should work with you.

Our team offers full-service production, or assists you with planning and scripting so that you can save costs by filming your own series. We have plans for all budgets.


After we’ve worked together to build a library of digital resources, the next step is to fuel your marketing strategy. We help customers understand the full customer-acquisition journey. That ongoing investment includes several steps:

  • Create series of digital assets that we can easily publish and distribute.
  • Coordinating strategies to help prospective customers learn more about the value you offer.
  • Rely upon both organic search and paid search to build familiarity and trust with your prospective customers.
  • Create ongoing marketing campaigns that build trust and authority with your prospective customers.

With digital marketing initiatives, we can easily track progress along the customer-acquisition journey. You will easily be able to track how your investment translates into additional revenues, converting more prospects into happy customers.

Register for Webinars to Learn More

Download your free copy of Living Deliberately. We’ll followup with a series of emails that includes calendars for our upcoming webinars. You’ll learn more on how to grow your business with digital marketing techniques. 

Justin has written an honest and compelling message that challenges all of us to examine our lives and to recalibrate the moral compass that directs our actions. I highly recommend his book, Ethics in Motion.

Steve Reinemund

Dean of Business, Wake Forest University, Retired Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo

Justin shows how to use digital marketing to reinvent ourselves and overcome struggle. In his book Ethics in Motion, he describes mistakes that resulted in his transition from stockbroker to prisoner to consultant. We learn from his story of resiliency.

John Ullmen, Ph.D.

UCLA Anderson School of Management, Author of Who Wins in Conflct?

My MBA students tell me that Justin’s message spoeaks to them. His stories of rebuilding help us all. We’re grateful for his expertise. He shows that regardless of past bad decisions, it’s never too late to start making good decisions.

Professor Dennis Torres

Peperdine University, Graziadio School of Business Management






4500 Park Granada, Suite 202

Calabasas, CA 91302