How Our Client Avoided Federal Prison
Whether you have a public defender or you retained the best lawyer in America, you must personally take action. You, not your lawyer, must demonstrate what you have learned from this experience, how you identify with your victims and you must show a clear path moving forward. Judge Bough told us on film, “if you break my window do not tell me you are story. Tell me your plans to fix my window.”
If you need help creating your personal narrative, schedule a call now to learn how we can help. If you are ready to proceed take 20% off our course for a limited time—if you invest now you will have six proven narratives to guide you. As you will hear in the above video with Mike Stoll, he invested in our course, then he took action, real action. You must do the same…
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Our Release-Date Calculator Will Help You:
- Learn how many days off you’ll receive in good time.
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Our Custody and Classification Calculator will help you:
- Understand how officials in the Bureau of Prisons will classify you.
- Understand how officials in the BOP will assess your base scoring level.
- Understand how officials in the BOP will assess your custody scoring level.