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If You’re Burned Out, Tired, And Feel TRAPPED While Fighting Your White Collar Case, Then Download My Blue Print!


If you are willing to deal with some “brain confusion” The Blueprint Training Program is the ONLY resource you’ll ever need to succeed through the federal prison system.

From: Justin Paperny

Date: Febuary, 16th, 2017

Hey friend,

My name is Justin Paperny. I am 42 years old. I am married and have one daughter. I live in Southern California. I am a graduate of U.S.C. and I am the author of Lessons From Prison & Ethics in Motion.

I have been working with white collar defendants since 2008. Naturally, I love helping people. I think my team and I have a pretty good track record.

But despite our successes, I am still frustrated. Too many defendants fail to prepare. Many have no idea how to prepare, and of course, some just hope or wish for a better outcome. Regardless of the reason, without proper preparations a prison term can amount to a life sentence.

Perhaps you have seen my videos, read my blogs or books. If you have, you know I value honesty, directness and your time.

I admire you for being here right now. The fact that you’re reading this proves you are in the 1% of defendants willing to work. I know you’re curious about what it takes to overcome the obstacles that await you and your family.

I know you have questions. I am confident I have the answers.

Before determining how and if we can help you, let’s identify some commonly asked questions.

Let’s address those now…

You wonder (or should be wondering):

How will an indictment influence your career and earning capacity?

How will an investigation influence my family?

How will a government press release impact my reputation?

What steps should I take today to prepare for the best sentence possible?

What steps should I take today to make a favorable impression at sentencing?

How will my life change if I am sentenced to prison?

What steps should I take today to ensure I serve my sentence in a federal prison camp?

What steps should I take today to restore confidence, establish relevance, and live a life of meaning before, during and after imprisonment?

Further, you wonder who you can trust to guide you and your family…

You’re reading this so you know the value of preparing, but don’t know where to start…

If You Have Interest In Learning How To Answer Those Questions, Keep Reading…

Before I go on, let me make clear who this program is for.

The Blueprint Program Is For:

Those willing to invest the time, resources and energy it takes to succeed.

Those who understand we cannot change the past.

Those who accept what we can control and accept what we cannot control.

Those who are committed to being proactive, and never reactive or in a state of emergency.

Those who are committed to taking it one step and one day at a time…Patience and persistence are vital virtues.

Those who are committed to being the provider, protector and producer for their family.

Those who want to learn how to advocate for themself. 

Those who believe we can get them to their desired outcome quicker than they could on their own.

Families looking to gain support through this difficult time.

Now, let’s consider Who This Program is Not For?

Defendants not willing to embrace some discomfort.

Defendants who are unwilling to hold their attorney accountable.

Defendants who are looking for results without doing any work.

Anyone who wants immediate results just because they joined, but fail to take any real action or implement what we teach.

Defendants who do not believe having a coach can get them closer to success.

Defendants looking for shortcuts or expecting something for nothing.

Defendants who default to, “There is nothing for me to do. I paid my lawyer to do everything.”

By now, you know if this program might be right for you and if you should keep reading…

So, can the Blueprint Program help you?

Rather than tell you myself, I’ll share some feedback from our members…


Upon retaining Justin Paperny as my prison consultant I immediately knew I had made the right choice. He prepared me for the road ahead and put together a plan for me to succeed after my release. With his help I have been able to change prison into a positive experience in my life. Not only does he work with you one on one but he will work with your loved ones as well. The comfort he was able to offer my mother was truly a blessing. Times like these can be very hard although with the help of Justin Paperny you too can make prison a productive, positive experience in your life.
Warren Schultz

The Blueprint replaced fear and panic with knowledge and confidence.

David Applegate

The Blueprint prepared me for the unthinkable – providing a foundation by which to succeed in white collar by meeting the challenge with a positive, humbling perspective and survivor’s drive.

John Sims

After months of research, I found The Blueprint’s solutions to be most the comprehensive and transparent.

Steven Brazile

The Blueprint gives me the needed structure to emerge from this ordeal stronger and better.

Jim Vani

I found this brilliant man too late or exactly at the right time, because he is very much helping my family and me understand this situation.

Cris Rosenvinge

It’s tough to find someone who has been there and can prepare you for what’s to come.

Shawne Fowler

While the U.S. Government spent millions of dollars training me as a special operations pilot, military strategist, and counter-intelligence specialist, none of my prior experiences prepared me for the challenges I faced upon my conviction of fraud, bribery and violation of the federal acquisition regulations. Justin’s mentoring, tutelage and extensive lessons prepared me for the unthinkable … providing a foundation by which to succeed in white collar by meeting the challenge with a positive, humbling perspective and survivor’s drive.
John Sims

Justin’s professionalism, ethics, sincerity and genuine concern for you separate him from any other service.

Brian Jorgenson

“Justin, when does your program not work?” I have been asked.

The Blueprint does not work if you are simply a passive participant. This only works by implementing specific tactics and strategies we teach you.

What is one of the strategies?

We do not implement everything at once. When you read our courses, watch a video or speak with me, you might realize how off base you have been with your planning. You might want to try to fix it all at once. Bad idea…

Most defendants fail because they want to fix everything at once. You should not invest in this program if you expect to have it all figured out today. Yes, I know you want the shortest sentence, the best federal prison, time off through RDAP, and maybe a new career and new reputation. I get it. I have been there.

By trying to eat the elephant in one bite, most defendants get overwhelmed, give up and quit. Then they default, to,” Life sucks as a felon. No opportunities exist.” They have acted their way into an all too common outcome—failure.

If you do not see this as a daily effort to prepare for the best outcome, we are not for you. I said earlier I was honest, direct and I valued your time. Life is too short. If you do not value discipline and patience The Blueprint is not for you.

As someone who has endured all aspects of the criminal justice system, I’m doing my best to share with you what does not work. And whether you invest in our programs or not, I respect you enough to tell you truth.

Are You Interested In What Works?

Taking incremental steps one day at a time through multiple methods (private coaching, courses, video, checklists, etc).

Implementing proven strategies and tactics to ensure you are moving forward each day from a position of strength and confidence.

Taking proven strategies to hold your lawyer accountable. Do you even know if you have a good or bad lawyer? Of course, not. How would you, unless you’re a career criminal? You cannot get the best outcome unless you’re holding those you hired (including me) fully accountable.

Once we teach you a new concept you must implement it at once and take action.

People have asked me whether I can guarantee their success. Since I am not a psychic, I cannot predict the future or success you will have.

I do know that the only people who have incredible success through our programs work very hard and they implement what we teach. The implementation is what separates the 1% of defendants who succeed from the rest.

My thoughts on what works is not rooted in theory…I lived it…I have documented it and the record exists for anyone to judge.

The program that I followed, and teach through The Blueprint, helped me create a lucrative consulting business, corporate speaking career and non-profit foundation that has received more than $1 million in funding.

That is as much as I will say about myself. I’m simply trying to convey to you that I have done this and I know how it works. Further, and perhaps more important, I have helped countless white collar defendants do it as well. They serve shorter prison terms, stay connected to their families, launch new businesses and they emerge stronger and better than when they entered the system.

I want to help you accomplish the same thing, but let me first address some common myths I have heard over the years.

Myth #1: It Worked For You Justin Or Your Other Clients, But I Do Not Need This Because I Hired A Lawyer, Who Used To Be A U.S. Attorney

If that belief is holding you back, your value system is out of whack. Successful defendants, regardless of their lawyer, advocate for themselves. The Blueprint will help you express and articulate through your own actions, why you are worthy of the best outcome.

Do more than rely on your lawyer, a hired gun. I know defendants who gave a million dollars to a lawyer. I know defendants with a similar case who had a public defender. In many instances the defendant with the public defender got a better outcome.

Why? Easy..The defendant with the public defender recognized that to get the best outcome he/she would have to contribute to the proces. If you wish to sit back and do nothing, this is not the place for you.

Myth #2: Nothing I Do Will Help My Outcome

Yes, I hear that a lot. The reality is I will not attempt to persuade you to prepare. That you are reading this shows you are at least considering taking action. That said, no one should have to really inspire you to take action. This is a big deal. You can prepare for the inevitable fall out or do nothing.

I know one thing for sure..there is someone right now in federal prison complaining over his outcome and how he get a “raw deal.” That prisoner I assure you did little to prepare.

The strategies we teach help ensure the government, and all stakeholders, begin to see you differently than your criminal actions. Rather than offering boilerplate information anyone can find online, The Blueprint offers a step by step process to follow, complete with quizzes at the end of each course.

Myth 3: I Am A Convicted Felon. Few Opportunities Exist For Me Now

The truth is overcoming all that awaits you takes time. If your current plans are not working, logic would suggest you pivot or move in another direction. If you give in to the misperceptions about what is in store for you, the strategies we teach will not impact you.

Myriad case studies show how people have worked to overcome their conviction, start new careers, re build their family, their network and reputation.

I assure you our clients who thrive do not buy into the myth that there future is full of struggle.

Nothing beats experience. Forget about any misperceptions you have. This is your opportunity to learn from the successes and failures of thousands who have come before you.

Cost versus investment…

I once read that when making a sale you should not use the word, “cost.” Rather, you should use the word “investment.”

It make sense. I agree that if you view this program as a “cost” it will never happen. It should not happen. It would not matter if it was $9 dollars, $97 dollars, $497 dollars or $1,997 dollars.

What human does not try to avoid cost? I do.

If you view The Blueprint as an investment in your future, it’s an easier decision to make. Some investments require upfront cash. In my case, I invested my time each and every day since 2008 to create this for you.

The biggest investment you will make here is your time. Our program will allow you to implement strategies each and every day to improve your outcome, and life. But you will have to do the work. We cannot purchase success.

To succeed, you’ll invest the time to learn through our courses, videos, guides, case studies. All of it is broken down into bite size pieces.

My commitment to you…

Following our first training call, if you do not feel as if you are better prepared to navigate the road ahead, I will immediately send you your money back. AND I will let you keep access to our Blueprint Program.

That’s right. If you do not see the value, I will give you your money back, AND you will still have access to our training program.

All I ask is that you keep an open mind and allow some “brain confusion”–which is how a client and friend described it. Essentially, “brain confusion” means doing nearly the opposite of what you are inclined to do. It takes practice!

What’s in The Blueprint?

I’d be writing for days if I included everything, but let me share some of the courses waiting for you on the other side:

Master The Presentence Investigation:

Within days of a conviction, a probation officer will connect with the defendant. The purpose of that meeting, theoretically, is for the probation officer to begin an unbiased review of the defendant’s history. But in reality, before meeting with the defendant, the probation officer will have received a digital version of the case file from the prosecutor. That file will not only be decidedly “unbiased,” it will have enormous influence on what the probation officer writes in the report.

The Blueprint prepares for the presentation investigation. By knowing what to expect, defendants can take affirmative steps to counterbalance the government’s version of events. Those deliberate steps may influence the outcome of the presentence investigation report that will follow.

The PSR will also play an essential role after the sentencing, when Bureau of Prison administrators evaluate the defendant. Administrators will rely upon the defendant’s PSI, along with the Judgment order when determining the appropriate security and classification level.

Further, the PSI will play a decisive role in the types of programs that will become available for the defendant while he is incarcerated.

By teaching you about the presentence investigation report, we can provide options for you to consider.

Become Your Own Sentencing Mitigation Expert:

You may want to pursue a comprehensive sentence- mitigation strategy. The Blueprint will show you. Such an approach would show the totality of the defendant’s life, providing a much more complete picture than the criminal charge.

The Blueprint will teach you how to create a personalized packages that narrates the defendant’s background in a first-person voice. The package provides a compelling story. If done successfully, the strategy not only portrays you in the most favorable light, but also shows why the defendant is worthy of the lowest possible sentence.

Sentencing Hearing:

The Blueprint will help you prepare for your sentencing hearing. By helping you understand what takes place, you will walk into the hearing ready and confident that you’ll succeed in influencing the best possible outcome.

You’ll learn how to anticipate the sentencing hearing from a different perspective. While the defendant has his agenda, what influences the other stakeholders in the process? What drives the probation officer, the prosecutor, the victim’s, and the judge?

By considering those different perspectives, the defendant becomes much more effective in crafting an appropriate allocution strategy.

Custody and Classification:

The Blueprint teaches the defendant the formula that Bureau of Prison Administrators use when determining where to “designate” an individual to serve the sentence. Not all prisons are equal. The Bureau of Prisons operates more than 100 different institutions that confine more than 200,000 people. Those institutions may be classified as one of six different security levels. By using our sentencing tool that is included in the narrative, you can coordinate placement in the best possible environment.

Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP):

The Bureau of Prisons only offers one program through which an individual can work to advance the date that he walks out of prison. The Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP) allows eligible candidates that complete the program to complete their prison sentence up to 24 months early.

The challenge for many defendants, however, is that statements they made early on during the proceedings resulted in their ineligibility of being able to participate in the program. When halfway house is taken into consideration, completion of RDAP can mean walking out of prison up to two full years early.

For that reason, The Blueprint ensures our clients are well educated about what steps are necessary to qualify for the program. By helping our clients understand the qualifying details for RDAP, we empower them to make better decisions. This program isn’t for everyone. But it behooves those who place a high priority on being released from prison at the soonest possible time to learn everything about RDAP at the soonest possible time.

Disciplinary Sanctions:

If an individual is going into prison we behoove him to learn everything there is to know about how administrators will enforce the disciplinary code. While incarcerated, the rules of engagement differ in remarkable ways from what an individual would expect if he has never been confined previously. Guards can issue disciplinary infractions that result in the loss of telephone privileges, correspondence, and visiting for months or years at a time. To avoid such complications, we ensure our clients understand the disciplinary code.

By understanding the disciplinary code, our clients are better prepared to avoid complications that disrupt or derail their adjustment. Rather than offering boilerplate information, we provide real stories that will teach clients everything they need to know to ensure that they advance through their prison term in the most efficient way possible.

Security Levels:

The Bureau of Prisons operates six different security levels and categorizes prisoners within four different custody levels. The Blueprint teaches our clients how to understand each. By providing our clients with this depth of information, we position them to ensure that they’re always moving in the right direction, serving their sentence in the best possible environment. • We provide our clients with insight they can use to qualify for programs that include community service and furloughs. Simultaneously, we teach them how to avoid pitfalls that may include time in the special housing unit (SHU).

Right Frame of Mind:

A criminal prosecution can prove traumatizing for a defendant who doesn’t come from a criminal background or adhere to a criminal lifestyle. The thought of being separated from family and community leads many into irrational thoughts that, left untreated, can have lasting consequences. Family relationships can suffer. Depression can set in. Learning from those who have gone through the entire cycle proves enormously therapeutic to our clients. 

The Blueprint provides provides tangible proof that even with a criminal prosecution, the loss of professional licenses, and imprisonment, an individual can recalibrate and return to society strong, with dignity intact. Such guidance puts others in the right frame of mind during a period that can feel like the darkest hours.

Prepare Prior to Sentencing/Surrender:

The sentencing day can have enormous implications, including the possibility of being taken into custody. For that reason, this course helps ensure defendants are ready. That means we guide you through the process of getting all medical affairs in order.

These preparations in anticipation of the prison term can make an enormous difference. Statistics bear this out. When authorities choose to prosecute an individual, they set a course of action in place that can have lasting implications. Without proper preparation, many defendants sink into lasting depressions that can bring further troubles. Those who prepare develop a plan for a deliberate journey inside.

Your First Day of Prison:

We offer this lesson in a narrative format. Through a fictional character, readers will experience what it feels like to leave family behind and surrender to federal prison officers. It guides discussions that I lead. Those who participate and engage will have a better foundation.

The first day in prison can be crucial. It is like walking into a fish tank. Everyone looks at the new comer and assesses him by the decisions he makes. The more an individual understands about the process, the more competently he can make decisions.

First Weeks in Prison:

Defendants frequently worry about their first day in prison. But as I explain in this course it is the first weeks in prison that influence the journey. Those first weeks will result in the defendant meeting with staff members and other prisoners. They will result in the inmate being assigned to a bunk, a job, and to establishing relationships in an unfamiliar environment.

Students who are serious about going to college retain help from mentors. My life is fundamentally different from other people who’ve been convicted of white-collar crimes because of the guidance I received and the preparations I made. If you want the best possible outcome, then I urge you to take the road ahead seriously. Prepare now by enrolling in our Blueprint Program.

Early Release:

Do you know the different mechanisms available to federal prisoners who want to advance their release date? Would understanding more about how you can position yourself for early release be of value to you?

The Blueprint does more than explain the different mechanisms for early release. Those who join learn how they can position themselves to be released at the soonest possible time.

If you want to advance your release date through administrative rather than judicial procedures, this course will teach you how. We explain every mechanism available, and then we guide you through the necessary steps for success.

Supervised Release:

Nearly every defendant sentenced to prison by a federal judge has further challenges after completing an obligation to the Bureau of Prisons. Defendants transition from prison custody to the jurisdiction of a United States Parole Officer.

Yet not every person who serves a term under Supervised Release experiences the same level of liberty. Would you like to learn how you can position yourself for maximum liberty and early termination of Supervised Release? This lesson plan will teach you how to master supervised release.

Additionally, inside The Blueprint you’ll learn:

  • How to manage and grow a business from prison…
  • Why blogging is the easiest and quickest way to rebuild your reputation…
  • Exact templates of letters you should send to your probation officer from prison…
  • Sample letter to give to a counselor assisting with your preparations to the Residential Drug Abuse Program (there are 3 things counselors cannot say in your letter).
  • Case studies from actual clients: These videos cover topics we could never share on YouTube. These private conversations are priceless, and will significantly increase your learning curve.
  • A series of ebooks written by people who have thrived through the federal prison system.
  • What are the pros and cons of living in a halfway house?
  • How does a halfway house relate to home confinement?
  • Who governs the level of liberty that an individual has while he is assigned to the halfway house?
  • How will decisions you make prior to surrendering to prison influence your access to the halfway house?
  • What types of behavior while assigned to the halfway house result in your being returned to prison?

And more…if I covered everything included I would be writing for days…The bottom line is the Blueprint Program will give you the tools, proven processes and tested strategies you’ll need to make 2017 your most productive year.

Once we hit 50 members in 2017, we close. Take action now!

Enroll in our Blueprint Program Today.

As you likely know, we close the program once he hit 50 members. That is not same made up stat to encourage you to act. The truth is at 50 we close. Why? Well, we need to pay our attention to those that stepped up to make the investment.

Again, I’m certain the Blueprint Program will dramatically improve your experience through the federal prison system.

Let me wrap up with some additional bonuses for you:

Bonus #1

Two 45 minute personal training calls with me. You’ll  get my best advice to help you guide you forward.

Bonus #2

Access to our sentencing calculator. Use This Tool To Serve Up To 6 Fewer Days In Prison & Pick The Best Location To Serve Your Prison Sentence

Bonus #3

If you are interested in the RDAP Program, I will include a 3rd training call with Mark Brunty, our RDAP Coordinator.

Bonus #4

You will be added to brand new bi-weekly mailing list being sent out to our private clients in federal prison.

For a very limited time, you can enroll in the Blueprint Training Program for just $497 OR 3 payments of $166.

Once we hit 50 members in 2017, we close. Take action now!

You Are 100% Protected  by My 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If at ANY TIME in the next 30 days you feel investing in this program was a mistake it just wasn’t what you expected—send me a quick email and I’ll refund every penny right away.


If you’re NOT serious about preparing for the best outcome and think there’s a good possibility you’ll want your money back, then I respectfully ask you not to enroll today.

I’ve worked with hundreds of defendants since 2008 and my success rate is excellent.

I am confident and certain that you’ll be pleased with your investment, but to be safe that is what the guarantee is there for.

Until we reach 50 members, you can enroll in the Blueprint Program Program for just $497 OR 3 payments of $166.

I really look forward to working with you and watching you grow and succeed through this experience.

All you have to do is follow our process which has been proven by hundreds of defendants who have rebuilt their life after a difficult bout with the criminal justice system.

The choice is yours.


Justin Paperny

Once we hit 50 members in 2017, we close. Take action now!