Sentencing Day

Sentencing day for a defendant is both a good and bad day. The bad, of course, is obvious: there is a chance the defendant gets sentenced to prison. Perhaps the only good thing about sentencing day is the defendant gets clarity.

Yesterday, I drove to Los Angeles to support a client getting sentenced. It was an unusually long sentencing hearing. There were also several delays.

I used the delays to film a series of videos about what I was learning from the sentencing hearing. In this video, I cover:

1: sentencing guidelines: the government asked for 13 years in federal prison
2: the importance of the probation report (PSR)
3: how and why the government can try to take away your 3 points for accepting responsibility
4: post offense conduct
5: minimum security prison versus a low security prison
6: early release programs from federal prison
7: the ultimate sentence length for our federal prison consulting client
8: advice for defendants who some day will have their own “sentencing day”

I hope you find value in this video.

Justin Paperny

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Justin Paperny
Justin Paperny co-founded White Collar Advice (WCA), helping individuals navigate government investigations, sentencing, and life after prison. WCA also creates compliance and ethics programs for Fortune 500 companies, law enforcement, and universities.

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