For several weeks our team has been offering a free character reference letter course.Inside the course, I discuss how sentencing videos can prepare you to obtain the shortest prison sentence.
Yesterday, a student in the character reference letter course, sent me the following message:
“Hey JP, quick question. My white collar defense attorney has never used a sentencing video. I have sent him (lawyer) a lot of your content. He is open to the video! He also thinks the Judge would be open to it. I would love to line up call. Can you go over again why sentencing videos are helpful? Thanks.”
I wrote a response to him, which I post below. Note, this response has some minor edits for purpose of this blog.

Sentencing Videos Can Help You
“Unlike words on page, or a defense attorney telling your story, a sentencing video brings you to life. A custom video enables your sentencing judge to see and hear from the people who know you best.
A well-choreographed sentence-mitigation video goes a long way toward advancing prospects for mercy. Your judge is more inclined to sentence you to a lower term if he (or she) knows more about your background. Do everything within your power to show him.
With videos, you can show your judge things they may not see or hear in the courtroom. Your sentence-mitigation video may help your judge:
1. Appreciate the reasons your spouse relies upon you.
2. Understand why your children need you.
3. Grasp how you’ve contributed to the lives of others.
4. Get a better idea of the influences that led to your predicament.
5. See the environment where you live.
6. Learn about your role as a good citizen.
7. Know you as a human being, rather than as a defendant.
Good videos brings you to life. Together with other sentence-mitigation efforts, you’ll be in much better position for mercy at sentencing.”
Justin Paperny
PS To learn more about videos, text or call me at 818-424-2220.