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Preparing for Court, Sentencing, and Prison
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What Exactly do I Need to Restore Strength and Confidence?

Coaching Basics

Does anxiety from court proceedings wear you down? We can help. 

Our team has extensive experience at every stage of the proceedings.

Learn how you can begin taking steps today that will put you in a better position to get a lower sentence. Learn about options that will lead to a better experience if prison is in your future. Get insight into strategies that will help you recalibrate and prepare for the next phase of your career. 

Do You Understand the Journey Ahead?

Is your relationship with your attorney on solid footing?

Do you understanding proceedings that will take place in court?

What do you know about the implications of plea negotiations?

Do you have a comprehensive sentence-mitigation strategy?

In what ways are you engineering your pathway to a lower sentence?

What will be different in your life after the sanction?

What seeds can you start sowing now to grow a new career?

What are you doing today to restore strength and confidence?

In what ways are you preparing the people you love for the challenges ahead?

White Collar Advice

White Collar Advice, our premier brand, offers one-on-one consulting for clients that want to work with our mitigation experts. Justin Paperny leads a team of highly-qualified writers, litigators, and consultants. Together, by working collaborate, they engineer a workable plan to help clients work toward a best-possible outcome through every stage of the proceeding. Pricing for one-on-one, personal-consulting agreements starts in the $3,000 range.

Prison Professors

Prison Professors, our education brand, provides digital content in the form of daily audio podcasts, YouTube videos, and blogs. We offer this information without charge to consumers. We also offer books and courses for both institutions and for consumers at reasonable rates. We offer do-it-yourself courses that consumers can use to begin working toward better outcomes, regardless of what stage of the journey they’re in.

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Don’t Let a Criminal Charge or Conviction Define Your Life

Learn what you can start doing today to begin building a better life. Whether you have resources to hire our mitigation experts, or you don’t have any resources at all, you can start sowing seeds today that will lead to a better life for you. We’ll help you get started with our podcasts, our YouTube channels, our books.

We never ask anyone to do anything that we did not do to prepare for the best possible outcomes. Our stories are open and transparent.

Learn how you can start to build a better life today.