Are You Struggling With Your Personal Letter To Your Probation Officer and Judge?

As a thank you for opting in, take advantage of our offer to grab our Sentencing Narratives Course for 25% off, or just $747.75.

Our sentencing program provides 6 time tested templates that teach you how to create an effective sentencing narrative.

Specifically, our templates show you how to:

  • Express your remorse
  • Identify with your victims
  • Show what you have learned from the experience
  • Show steps you are taking to make things right
  • Offer a thoughtful, actionable plan that shows how you will emerge from this experience successfully
  • Help your readers understand and empathize with you as an individual, rather than as a convicted felon
  • Provide credible reason for your probation officer and judge to grant leniency

What Do Probation Officers & Judges Want To Know?

They want to:

  • Know your full story…
  • Know you’re thinking about the victims…
  • Know you have a realistic plan to emerge successfully…
  • Know what led the you into criminal behavior…
  • Know what steps you’re taking to make things right…

To learn more about the importance of taking action, watch this 3 minute video with Judge Bough.