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If You’re Burned Out, Tired, And Feel TRAPPED While Fighting Your White Collar Case, Then Download My Blue Print!


Use This Tool To Serve Up To 6 Fewer Days In Prison:

This tool allows you to take advantage of how the Bureau of Prisons calculates incarceration time and good time credit to minimize the time spent in prison. We cannot get you out of prison completely, however, we can help you get out up to six days early. Why serve longer than is necessary? Please note, picking your reporting date only works if you are self-surrendering.


Pick The Best Location To Serve Your Prison Sentence:

The Bureau of Prisons will tell you the current population of any facility, however, they don’t tell you capacity or historical population. White Collar Advice has that data, and we utilize it to help you make a placement request to the judge that has a higher probability of being accepted by the Bureau of Prisons.



Upon retaining Justin Paperny as my prison consultant I immediately knew I had made the right choice. He prepared me for the road ahead and put together a plan for me to succeed after my release. With his help I have been able to change prison into a positive experience in my life. Not only does he work with you one on one but he will work with your loved ones as well. The comfort he was able to offer my mother was truly a blessing. Times like these can be very hard although with the help of Justin Paperny you too can make prison a productive, positive experience in your life.
Warren Schultz

The Blueprint replaced fear and panic with knowledge and confidence.

David Applegate

The Blueprint prepared me for the unthinkable – providing a foundation by which to succeed in white collar by meeting the challenge with a positive, humbling perspective and survivor’s drive.

John Sims

After months of research, I found The Blueprint’s solutions to be most the comprehensive and transparent.

Steven Brazile

The Blueprint gives me the needed structure to emerge from this ordeal stronger and better.

Jim Vani

I found this brilliant man too late or exactly at the right time, because he is very much helping my family and me understand this situation.

Cris Rosenvinge

It’s tough to find someone who has been there and can prepare you for what’s to come.

Shawne Fowler

While the U.S. Government spent millions of dollars training me as a special operations pilot, military strategist, and counter-intelligence specialist, none of my prior experiences prepared me for the challenges I faced upon my conviction of fraud, bribery and violation of the federal acquisition regulations. Justin’s mentoring, tutelage and extensive lessons prepared me for the unthinkable … providing a foundation by which to succeed in white collar by meeting the challenge with a positive, humbling perspective and survivor’s drive.
John Sims

Justin’s professionalism, ethics, sincerity and genuine concern for you separate him from any other service.

Brian Jorgenson