The Virtue of Selfishness: A Guide to Prepare For Federal Prison

Release Plan Book Report #1

I’ve encountered a few interruptions from professors during my talks. Interestingly, it wasn’t discussions about my conviction or the ensuing consequences that prompted an interruption, but rather a mention of an author who influenced me during my time in federal prison.

This incident occurred during a Q&A at a private school on the East Coast when I referenced Ayn Rand, known for works like “Atlas Shrugged” and “The Virtue of Selfishness.” My business partner, Michael Santos, advised me to not only read but to read critically by writing reports—detailing why I read them, what I learned, and how they could aid me moving forward. This habit has stayed with me.

The professor stopped me after I referenced Rand’s work during Q&A. Mentioning Rand, to put it lightly, upsets some people. Others lionize and love her. Regardless of how others feel, her writings have influenced me positively.

Why the loathing for Rand?

Rand’s concept of rational self-interest—often misunderstood as negative—emphasizes the importance of advocating for one’s own life and well-being. This approach is particularly valuable in the overwhelming environment of federal prison, where distractions and negative influences are everywhere. Embracing rational self-interest encourages focusing on personal goals and using time productively.

A key lesson from Rand is the importance of personal responsibility. This was a challenging but essential realization for me, as I surrendered to prison blaming others for my circumstances. Recognizing my role in my situation was a pivotal step in getting back on track.

Rand’s principles extend to creating relationships in prison that are mutually beneficial and avoiding detrimental ones. I formed one such positive relationship with Michael Santos, which continues today.

Independence and integrity are also central to Rand’s philosophy, encouraging individuals to make decisions based on their values rather than succumbing to the prevailing prison culture.

Rand’s work, including “The Virtue of Selfishness,” offers a perspective that can be helpful in preparing for prison. Embracing personal responsibility, integrity, and rational self-interest can lead to a more productive prison term.

Questions? Call or text at 818-424-2220 or schedule a call.

Justin Paperny

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