Why Do Some White Collar Defendants Get Longer Federal Prison Sentences?

Avoiding Longer Federal Prison Sentences

Fact: Most defendants underestimate what they can do to improve their chances at sentencing. They embrace the “there isn’t anything I can do” mantra and hurt themselves and their family in the process.

At White Collar Advice we help defendants serve the shortest federal prison sentences possible in the most favorable institution. We don’t do this by offering worthless guarantees or preying on vulnerable defendants. We succeed, and have the testimonials and case studies to prove it.

There are consequences to not going all in to prepare for the best outcome.

I share them in my video: 10 Ways To Get More Time In Federal Prison.

Some of these ways defendants get longer federal prison sentences include:

#1:Committing new federal crimes (totally obvious, I know!)
#2: If you plead guilty, not truly accepting responsibility?
#3: Not working while fighting your criminal case
#4: Continuing to live like a rock star
#5: Avoiding community service
#6: Letting everyone else do the work
#7: Not pursuing the Residential Drug Abuse Program
#8: Not working openly and honestly with your lawyer
#9: If you have the means, not making any restitution payment
#10: Not making a statement or issuing a disastrous statement at your sentencing

I encourage defendants to thoroughly review the list above. Take the time to access where you can make some improvements. Review email and correspondence with your criminal defense attorney. Are you working openly and honestly with your lawyer? Can you defend your expenses and spending during your pre sentence interview? Are you in a position to save, as I did, and make a modest restitution payment at your sentencing?

With respect to letting others do the work, I am referring to your criminal defense lawyer. Of course, you have to have a helpful lawyer. Still, experience teaches me defendants succeed when they take matters into their own hands. Defendants need to both hold their lawyer (and prison consultant) accountable, and work to convey to the court what they have learned, how they will make amends, and most important, the pain they feel for creating victims. Yes, your lawyer is paid to do that. But your outcome will hinge in part on your efforts, of that I am sure.

To learn more, schedule a call and watch the video, which is posted below.

Justin Paperny

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