Operation Varsity Blues Movie- Netflix

Since 2019, White Collar Advice has been extremely involved the College Admissions Scandal Case also known as Operation Varsity Blues.

Our involvement in this case has brought an onslaught of media attention, including, The Washington Post, Fox News, CNN, Dr. Phil, CBS National News, BBC, Netflix, Inside Edition, Entertainment Tonight and many more.

Through this media work, I strive to be consistent, authentic and honest. That consistency, authenticity and honesty is welcome to some and poison to others.

I am not naive. I know I am conflicted. Many of our mitigation and federal prison consulting clients in the College Admissions Case have become good friends. I know their real character, the work they have done both personally and professionally over a lifetime.

Rather than defend our clients in the media, I simply try to remind people that good people can make out of character choices. And in some cases the consequences can be lifelong.

For some reason we obsess over celebrity and wealth in this country. Some people love and hate the rich and famous. That hatred and taking pleasure in the pain of others is a large part of the reason this case generated such national, and global, attention.

In late 2019, producers from Netflix reached out and invited me to contribute to a film they were making on the College Admissions Scandal. I agreed to contribute. The film premiers today on Netflix. I offer a short review in this video.

Justin Paperny

P.S. If you would like to speak with our team, schedule a call here.

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Justin Paperny
Justin Paperny co-founded White Collar Advice (WCA), helping individuals navigate government investigations, sentencing, and life after prison. WCA also creates compliance and ethics programs for Fortune 500 companies, law enforcement, and universities.

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