Our team is proud to share this review with our friend and client, Tom Finley.
“If you discover that the U.S. Department of Justice have focused their crosshairs on you, rightly or wrongly, then I cannot urge you strongly enough to contact White Collar Advice. Do not – it bears repeating – do not dither or delay in doing so. Whether in the “pre-indictment” stage or facing the dread of a sentencing hearing, you must contact White Collar Advice as if your life depends on it. Because it does. I can state without any hesitation or reservation that it will be one of the best decisions, if not THE best decision you will ever make.
Do not do what I did. As outside counsel to a private equity fund in which, unbeknownst to me, one of the principals was caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar to fund his luxury lifestyle, I found myself squarely in those crosshairs after that principal plead guilty. Foolishly, I allowed the modern-day Sword of Damocles to hang over my head for two and one-half years. I even began to understand the meaning of the term “suicidal ideations.” This, even though I had been watching Justin Paperny’s YouTube videos and reading his books throughout my ordeal. For your mental health and the health of your family and friends, contact White Collar Advice at your earliest opportunity.
I waited until one week – let me repeat that, one week! – before my sentencing hearing to engage the “A Team” at White Collar Advice. At that point, I was facing a prison term of 18 to 24 months. Justin Paperny and Brad Rouse at White Collar Advice cleared their decks and swung into action. In the space of only five business days, they helped me draft a lengthy autobiographical letter to the judge, obtain an invaluable character reference letter from one of my clients, and compose my oral statement to the judge during allocution. Had Justin and Brad not been available and focused as they were, I would now be preparing to self-surrender to prison (and Justin can prepare you for that journey too if you find yourself in that situation). Instead, due entirely to Justin and Brad’s last-minute emergency efforts and skills, the judge sentenced me to home confinement. My best analogy to explain my experience is that it was like being adrift in the open ocean, going down for the last time, and being thrown a life preserver labeled “White Collar Advice.”
Please, please, do not do what I did. Contact White Collar Advice at your first opportunity whenever you learn that the federal Government is training its sights on you. You will save yourself years of angst and stress and can assure your family and friends of the best possible outcome.
Tom Finley”