Residential Drug Abuse Program: The Ethical Prison Consultant

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January 23, 2016

I will be filming a video every monday in 2016 on the Residential Drug Abuse Program. These videos will cover aspects of RDAP, including the three phases, the misinformation others post, the pros and cons of RDAP and more…much more. I will post those videos here and also on my YouTube Channel.

The recent video titled, Residential Drug Abuse Program: The Ethical Prison Consultant, is important because it reinforces the importances of understanding our values. In my first RDAP video I touched on the subject of snitching, and how it relates to RDAP. You can watch that video here. Rather than judge one who snitches or not, my point is simply to help you understand how your decisions relate to what is most important. For those reading this, I know, getting home as quickly as possible to your family is usually most important.

Identify your values as I teach in this new video and benefit as I and my many clients do.


Justin Paperny, Ethical Prison Consultant

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Justin Paperny
Justin Paperny co-founded White Collar Advice (WCA), helping individuals navigate government investigations, sentencing, and life after prison. WCA also creates compliance and ethics programs for Fortune 500 companies, law enforcement, and universities.

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