White Collar Video Pages

What Are Our Other Client’s Saying?

While the U.S. Government spent millions of dollars training me as a special operations pilot, military strategist, and counter-intelligence specialist, none of my prior experiences prepared me for the challenges I faced upon my conviction of fraud, bribery and violation of the federal acquisition regulations. Justin’s mentoring, tutelage and extensive lessons prepared me for the unthinkable … providing a foundation by which to succeed in federal prison by meeting the challenge with a positive, humbling perspective and survivor’s drive.

John Sims

I found Justin late one evening as I was searching the Internet for information on Federal Prison Camps. I had already hired a prison consultant to assist me with the process but I felt as though I was still missing something. I contacted Justin and he spoke with me for over an hour about a variety of issues that were troubling me. It was a breath of fresh air to talk with someone so knowledgeable and compassionate about my plight.

I knew after the phone call that I had to find the resources to retain Justin. He has generated a plan to allow me to be productive inside federal prison. More importantly, he has assisted me in developing a plan for my post prison life and the tasks I need to complete to reach my goals. Finally, he has eased my fears and the fears of my family as I tread through the Federal Justice System! All I can do is say Thank You from the bottom of my heart!

Ken Flaska

“I’m very fortunate to have met Justin Paperny who is helping me through this transition in my life. The old saying that you don’t know what you don’t know could not be any more profound than preparing to surrender to federal prison.”

David Foley

I am pleased to have been a prison consulting client of Justin’s since December 2013. During our conversations together Justin has alleviated many of the mysteries I had about federal prison. Justin has proven to be dedicated, proficient and sensitive to my personal situation. Justin and I carefully reviewed all of my options with one goal in mind, and that is of a successful re entry into society. More than a consultation, I have learned lessons that will carry me throughout my life. I am convinced that Justin’s Consulting program will promote a successful prison term, a successful release and furthermore a positive life and career.

Christian Ounanian

I was just sentenced to 60 months in federal prison for a Marijuana Conspiracy and money laundering. I unfortunately found this brilliant man and website too late or I guess you can say at the right time, because it is very much helping me understand my and my family’s situation. Everything he says is very helpful and true because Justin has been through the same situation we are facing. He is talking truth when he says take ownership and responsibility for your actions, it will absolutely help you to be able to correct and clear up what mistakes you have made. And his knowledge will help you and explain to you what you are about to embark on, it is without a doubt very helpful and true! This is just the beginning of my new life, to start to make a change for my family and most of all for me! I am begin very honest when I say take in and really understand what it is that Justin is trying to say and teach to you.

Cris Rosenvinge

Retaining Justin has been one of the best decisions I have made. Justin has given me two incredibly important things: peace of mind and a plan. Before I retained Justin, fear and panic were two emotions I felt frequently. After a few sessions with Justin, fear and panic were replaced with knowledge and confidence. Knowing what to expect made all the difference in the world. Most importantly though, Justin helped me put together a plan that will allow me to thrive and grow while I serve my sentence. Before talking to him, my plan was simply to stay in shape, stay out of trouble, correspond with friends and family and read a lot.

As a marketing professional, I should have known better. These are “tactics.” What is my strategy? What are my objectives? Justin helped me to put all of this together and to be open to things other than just picking up where I left off when I finish my sentence. He also encouraged me to document my journey – both for myself and for others who might find themselves in my situation. So I started blogging and I will continue to do that while I serve my time at Taft. As I write this, I am only two days away from self surrender but it is a great comfort to know that I have an ally like Justin who will always be there if I need him both during and after my sentence.

David Applegate

Justin provides a tremendous resource to my clients by counseling them about the most difficult experience a person can face – preparing to be sentenced and going to jail. Justin’s unique background makes him a very compelling source of advice, counseling and comfort to my clients. He is also a pleasure to work with, very communicative and responsive, and treats my clients with decency and compassion.

Mark Werksman

The overall federal prison experience is surprisingly very misunderstood, and poorly documented.While there have been hundreds of thousands of people that have served time behind the walls of the various locations of the Bureau of Prisons, remarkably, few of them are capable or willing to provide meaningful consultation. Justin Paperny offers a unique approach to prison counseling convicted felons as they embark on their challenging journey through the federal prison system. Drawing from his own experiences and lessons learned, Justin has developed proven methods to mentor others as they prepare for their own treks. Justin’s proven system will not only help them survive, but can position them to capture some benefits to build on, from their own experiences. I know this first hand. I, like many other good people, made some dumb decisions, and wound up being a convicted felon. After months of research, I found Justin Paperny’s solutions to be most comprehensive and transparent. Justin helped me prepare and execute the following critical elements of my incarceration plans:

Developing Effective Communication Strategies for Family, Friends, and Business Colleagues
Self Surrender Checklists
Prioritized Lists of Commissary Purchases
Budgetary Discipline Strategies for Phone and Commissary Bank Accounts
Family Visit Watch Outs
Sustainable Physical Fitness Regimens
Do’s and Don’ts of Inmate Life
Personal Growth Strategies While Incarcerated
Post Incarceration Strategies

In addition, Justin facilitated a number of Q & A sessions with other clients. These sessions were invaluable in my planning efforts, and provided solid reference points for me and my family. Justin’s two books, ‘Lesson’s from Prison’, and ‘Ethics in Motion’ are must reads, as they provide case studies of many real life experiences. These real life stories provide a baseline for jumpstarting the required planning efforts to serve prison time with a purpose and with dignity. I highly recommend Justin Paperny’s consultation offerings to, not only those preparing to go to prison, but also to, attorney’s looking to enhance their client offerings, and concerned family members looking for ways to help their loved ones.

Steven Brazile

Justin Paperny is an amazing resource for my law firm’s criminal defense clients. As an author and consultant, Justin has helped many firm clients, facing an uncertain future, with strategic advice leading to reduced sentences. Besides being a top national consultant to individuals facing the risk of conviction and incarceration, Justin is an amazing speaker and motivator who has presented to my law students at Pepperdine University, receiving great acclaim. He is humble, hard working, and intelligent, someone who has learned from his own life lessons and now advocates for others’ personal and ethical growth. Justin is a necessary and credible resource to anyone involved in the criminal justice system.

Dmitry Gorin

Working with Justin has been a wonderful experience. I was found guilty to wire fraud and almost lost my mind. I researched online looking for answers I felt my attorney was not providing me. I came across a variety of Prison Consultants and contacted a long list before deciding on Justin Paperny. His first hand experience and extensive knowledge really opened my eyes to what really mattered at this point in my legal battle. He provided a path to follow and very detailed one on one personal assistance that coached me through my process. I am still working with Justin as I have not yet made it to my sentencing but know with Justin by my side he will be an amazing support. The fact he has given me a plan gives me the needed structure to not only make it through this hard time but to come out a stronger and better person.

Jim Vani

I will forever be grateful that my husband found Justin Paperny when he did. Justin has helped us navigate our way through impending court proceedings, sentencing, and preparing for a daunting federal prison sentence.

During this often times terrifying situation, having my husband leaving me and our young son for several years to serve time for federal healthcare fraud charges, Justin has been instrumental in helping my husband refocus his efforts and thoughts that truly created a shift in the outcome this event will have on our family forever.

With Justin’s programs and coaching, my husband was able shift his mindset to see this situation as a positive opportunity for growth for our family.

With Justin’s help, my husband is currently making the very best of his prison sentence and making the timework for him. Having the guidance of someone who had been in the trenches and come out stronger than ever has been invaluable. As a wife supporting my husband through this situation, Justin’s advice and resources have brought me much comfort and hope. Through Justin’s Private Facebook page, I have been able to connect with other wives, women and families that are going through very similar situations. Having a support system of people who are on similar journeys is so encouraging and refreshing. I know that our story is going to be one of success and I thank God that Justin has helped steer us in the right direction.

Robin Fenn

Finding Justin was like a sigh of relief after enduring months of emotional pain. You see I am a person who is facing a prison sentence and was scouring the Internet for detailed information about the process after one pleads guilty, what steps are to come and most importantly what my future may hold. Not only was I searching, but also as a female I was looking for information about women who had gone through the process and wanted to learn how their lives had fared. I can tell you what I saw and read was minimal and quite depressing. I was so relieved when I found Justin and his programs.

I sent Justin an email asking him some general questions and he responded immediately. He set time to meet with me face to face to review my circumstances, talk about my PSI and had a plan on how he could help me. Not just navigating the process through this lengthy lesson plans, but offering his emotional support and guidance. Justin’s approach for me was what made things less scary. He has a large network, and even being female he was able to discuss some of things I will encounter and he placed me in the path of other females who have been through the process so that I could speak with them directly. Justin is there to help. I have also found support in a private page he manages for clients and their families.

If you are facing any legal issues and need guidance, whether it be to walk you through the process and or need a person to have a caring conversation/dialogue please reach out to him. I know that by working with Justin I am not alone and will thrive this trying ordeal.

Holli Coulman

Upon retaining Justin Paperny as my prison consultant I immediately knew I had made the right choice. He prepared me for the road ahead and put together a plan for me to succeed after my release. With his help I have been able to change prison into a positive experience in my life. Not only does he work with you one on one but he will work with your loved ones as well. The comfort he was able to offer my mother was truly a blessing. Times like these can be very hard although with the help of Justin Paperny you too can make prison a productive, positive experience in your life.

Warren Schultz

“Justin spoke to a conference with our top-50 finance leaders from around the world. His unique story pointed out the short-term and long-term realities of crossing the ethical line, emphasizing the importance of doing the right thing. This session, more than any other in our conference, sparked a great deal of discussion and reflection, benefiting each of our leaders.”

Dan Doheny

Justin Paperny provides a service at a time when his expertise and assistance is needed most — in the middle of a legal crisis. I wholeheartedly recommend not only his professional prison consulting service and programs but also knowing him on a personal level. His professionalism, ethics, sincerity and genuine concern for you separates him from any other competitor service. On a personal note, he has been a tremendous source of inspiration for me. He is a living example of resiliency, bouncing back from incarceration and transparently sharing his story so others can learn. This has given me the courage to follow in his footsteps as I recount my ‘self-inflicted crisis’ in my blog.

Brian Jorgenson

You are fortunate that you found these videos! Go to Justin’s Website EtikaLLC.com and make that call to Justin Paperny Today…. The earlier you can speak with him the better to help yourself or a family member through these very trying times. His wisdom from being through the process will teach you how to help yourself. Thanks Justin! Good Luck to you the reader. Take Action you can change the outcome. Make that call Now!

Fred Catalano

Justin’s “Lessons From Prisons” presentation provided a sobering example of how the smallest ethical misstep can have devastating consequences. Justin’s story was a perfect fit for the annual Firm Element Training Program for our financial advisors.

Briana Hughes

I am a successful Ivy-league educated lawyer and, now, as a result of some stupid decisions, a white-collar criminal. Because of my background in law, I came into the process thinking that I knew the ropes and didn’t need the advice of a prison consultant. On a whim, however, after coming across the White Collar 101 series on YouTube, I contacted Justin and was incredibly impressed by his useful advice. In one brief phone call, he raised many important issues that my lawyer had never mentioned and I had never considered, issues that could greatly impact on the length of my prison term, which camp I am placed in, and the quality of my stay as an honored guest of the federal government. With that, I was convinced of the added value Justin brings to the table and hired him as my prison consultant.

Justin’s commitment and focus is unmatched. He has guided me through the entire process with his insider knowledge and experience. Not least, he has managed to keep my spirits up and my hope alive during this difficult time. With his support, I have developed a plan to approach prison proactively: to document my experience, to keep in touch with contacts and loved ones, and to prepare for my eventual release. In short, thanks to Justin, I enter prison with hope for the future and a solid plan to make that hope a reality. I would encourage anyone who finds himself in a position similar to mine to reach out and contact Justin. You will not be disappointed.

Leigh Sprague

In late 2013 I was indicted on 26 federal charges. The charges ranged from healthcare fraud to tax evasion. Shortly there after I began searching for knowledgeable prison consultants. I consulted with 4 prison consultants in all. Every consultant I contacted used the similar strategies.

The first proposed he was a miracle worker. He could reduce by 60-month sentence to a 22 month sentence with his exclusive techniques. The second told me to hide money from my wife, as she would be finding a new husband shortly after my incarceration. The third claimed to be an ex-DEA agent that knew how to manipulate the system to award probation.

The fourth told me that I needed to begin mentally preparing myself for prison, develop a stately and stick to it. All of the first three consultants turned out to be dishonest and fear driven. The fourth consultant was Justin Paperny. He was the only consultant that helped prepare my family and I for my upcoming sentence. I will be forever grateful to him and his team.

Jeff Fenn

“Justin has spoken several times in my accounting ethics classes, to both graduate and undergraduate accounting students, and we use his book, Ethics in Motion. He has important lessons to impart to the students, and the students really relate to him. His presentation style is very effective, and his stories bring the lessons to life. Virtually all of my students greatly valued Justin’s presentations and their discussions with him. For some of them I would even describe their experience with Justin as “life-changing.”

Kenneth A. Merchant

Thank you, Justin. You are an amazing person and I am so grateful that you are a part of my son’s life & support system. The advice & tools you provided him for his incarceration were invaluable. As he stated, he went in so prepared because of you. You continue to be there supporting him.
I know the family would be in such a dark place about this situation IF it had not been for you & this site. A light now shines to help us find our way through the darkness.
I watched every one of your videos before he went in & they are excellent with tons of information. I learned so much that has been helpful.

We as a family are so blessed that we found you & this site. I can’t say thank you enough.
 I highly recommend anyone facing these situations in their lives, to contact you. You definitely changed the situation for us. Wishing you the best of everything, always. From a very grateful Mom.

Linda Jorgenson

Justin, I just wanted to thank you so much for creating this content and focusing on helping other individuals that have been convicted of white collar crimes or whom are still in the process of dealing with the government. These are very insightful and answer a lot of questions or concerns that have given me anxiety. It’s tough to find someone who can relate to your situation and who has been there, and can prepare you for what’s to come, and also prepare you for a life after this is all over. Thanks so Much!

Shayne Fowler

Justin – you were of great assistance to me. I appreciate all your help. Your insight was instrumental and I am now preparing for the eventuality that my future brings. With your help, I know that I can deal with whatever is coming. Thank you so much for your information.

Dorothy Lou

I’m a criminal defense attorney with more than 30 years’ experience. We were referred to Justin by a client of ours. I’m naturally suspicious of such advisors, given my background and past experience, but we were so impressed with the sage advice and solid institutional contacts that Justin’s team provided that we hired him in another recent white-collar case. Our firm is thrilled to have an ethical prison consultant with boots on the ground in each institution that we envision hiring him as much as possible in the future. We unreservedly endorse Justin and his team.

Nicholas Kaizer, Esq.