What To Do If You Are Going To Federal Prison (Fort Dix Federal Prison Camp)
Going To Federal Prison
Hi, I am Justin Paperny.
Earlier today, I filmed a video after speaking to a doctor who is about to self surrender to Fort Dix Federal Prison Camp for a 40 month prison sentence.
This doctor appeared overwhelmed about how to serve his time in federal prison. He was really struggling with the reality that he was going to federal prison. He had fully expected to receive a term of federal probation or home confinement.
Equally confusing was what he would do after his release from federal prison. I could relate to his pain. When I was fighting my case, it was hard to think about life after prison, until I got to federal prison. Then, in federal prison I realized the hardest part would be coming home with a stained and sullied reputation.
On our call, I suggested this white collar defendant do two things at Fort Dix Federal Prison Camp:
1: Establish a sense of urgency: Without urgency it is easy to get complacent and lazy.
2: Choose his friends wisely: The wrong friends can derail you and bring you down. In so doing they will help destroy what should be a productive time away from home.
This short video I call, What To Do When YOU’RE in FEDERAL PRISON, will help you focus and clearly define your goals on the inside. It will help you realize what is important and what is not. I am not telling you it is easy. I am, however, telling you that it is worth it.
As always, and as I wrote in my books, Lessons From Prison and Ethics in Motion, my federal prison consulting and ethics advice only works if you implement the lessons I teach. Thinking is great, but you must act!!
I hope you find value in this video, which you can access here or by clicking the image below.
Justin Paperny