When Should Someone Start a Release Plan?

A doctor in Austin Texas called me after watching the webinar our team filmed on February 9, 2023, with retired Bureau of Prisons leader, Jon Gustin.

I learned on our call this physician was indicted for healthcare fraud and for providing kickbacks. As of this writing, he plans to go to trial.

“I am not naive. I understand the odds of winning at trial are low, but I am proceeding nonetheless. If I lose, I want to begin preparing for the worst-case scenario. You and Jon discussed the release plan. It makes sense. My question is do I create one now before I even go to trial?”

I admire this doctor for embracing reality and investing time to prepare.

Of course, he hopes to prevail at trial. Yet, he knows the odds–he is not naive or insane. For these reasons, he is asking the right questions, “do I need a release plan at this stage?”

The answer is, “yes.”

In our experience, people should create a release plan before they are charged, before surrendering to prison, before their release from prison, while on supervised release and transitioning to the next phase of their life after prison. 

To succeed, you must do the work. That work includes creating a release plan. If you are skeptical about the value of a release plan, our team encourages you to watch the interviews we have done with subject matter experts. Each expert discusses the value of the release plan. Thus far, we have interviewed: 

» Chiefs of US Probation,

» Assistant US Attorneys,

» Federal District Court Judges,

» Retired Director of the Bureau of Prisons,

» Retired Administrator that oversaw halfway houses and home confinement programs

» Retired prison wardens.

Schedule a call here to get started on your release plan.

Thank you,

Justin Paperny

P.S. Our release plan do-it-yourself course will be launched in late February 2023. Check back for more details or text 704-654-1604.

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