If You Want A Shorter Federal Prison Term, Read & Watch This

Sufficed to say every white collar defendant wants:

  • a shorter federal prison sentence in the most favorable prison. 
  • the most halfway house time.
  • a high level of liberty on supervised release (federal probation).
  • to rebuild their career and restore their good reputation.
  • and more, so much more.

In my experience as a business advisor and Federal Prison Consultant, there is a big difference between wanting and doing. I want six pack abs, but that did not stop me from powering through my favorite Menchies Yogurt last night with my daughter in Calabasas.

To wrap it up quickly, which is a treat for those of you who know I can ramble with the best of them, if you truly want the shortest federal prison term, you must take appropriate action–wanting something is a start, but it is not enough.

If you want a shorter federal prison term you must:

  • Learn how to hold a lawyer accountable and ask tough questions.
  • Learn how to express through your own efforts why you are worthy of mercy. To get a better idea, watch this video with my friend, Dr. Phil.
  • Create a clear plan that demonstrates why you will never return to another courtroom.
  • Understand the cynicism of all stakeholders in the system, then create content designed to influence them.

Yes, the steps described above take work. It may include tough conversations. It may require you to examine the motivations behind your choices and the choices themselves.

But if you truly want the shortest federal prison sentence, you will do the work. If you want to talk about it, like I talk about having six-pack abs, you may have less stress today, but inevitably there will be more pain down the road.

Justin Paperny

P.S. To learn how to prepare for sentencing, even if you hate to write, go here.

P.S.S. Below is the video I promised with Dr. Phil that describes our four essential sentencing elements.

P.S.S.S. I am off to run to work off the yogurt–signing off at 5:42 am on January 14, 2020.

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