We know how tough it is to hear from the Department of Justice. That’s the reason we’re providing all of our readers with a free copy of Prepare! What Defendants Need to Know.

Michael Santos and I wrote Prepare for one reason: To help people that want to help themselves.

If you’re tired of wondering what happens next or what you should do next, you should read Prepare. Insider we cover:

· What process follows after a person has been charged with a crime?

· What should I do about hiring an attorney?

· How can I hold my attorney responsible?

· What should I consider when deciding how to plead?

· What can I do to prepare for the presentence investigation report?

· What can I do to get the shortest sentence possible?

· What steps can I take to get out of prison early?

· How do I get my liberty back at the soonest possible time?

If you know the answer to all of those questions, you don’t need to read Prepare. But if you want answers, open the book and get them now.

Our team is available to help you.

Should you want to talk, text or call me at 818-424-2220 or schedule a call here.


Justin Paperny


P.S. Click here to access all 27 chapters of Prepare.