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Below, You'll Find Each Chapter from Our Book: Prepare: What To Know About Government Investigations

Preparing for Tomorrow: Why You Need a Release Plan Now

Hi, Alec here. I have a question for you. How will you make sure you NEVER set foot in a courtroom again as a defendant? It doesn't matter if you are in the middle of a white-collar criminal investigation, pre-sentencing, or soon to surrender – you need a release plan...

Prison Life: How do I Stay Connected? (Chapter 24)

Prison Life: How do I Stay Connected? In earlier lessons, we described a criminologist’s theory about adjustments in prison. He theorized that adjustment patterns in prison follow a U-shaped graph. People hold close ties to society when they are coming into the...

What Should I Know About the Underground Economy? (Chapter 22)

What Should I Know About the Underground Economy in Federal Prison? Many people go into the prison system with the intention of avoiding all problems and getting out of prison at the soonest possible time. Every day they have the power to make decisions with regard to...

What if I Need Medical Treatment in Federal Prison? (Chapter 20)

What if I Need Medical Treatment in Federal Prison? All prisons employ teams of medical staff for people in need of healthcare. They include at least one physician, nurse practitioners or physician assistants, nurses, dentists, hygienists, and technicians. Like...

Job Details in Federal Prison (Chapter 16)

Administrators assign prisoners to specific bunks. They also assign people to work on specific prison jobs. With few exceptions—like being in transit, in segregation, in an A&O program, or medically unassigned—all people in federal prison have job assignments,...

What Should I Know About Prison Staff Hierarchy? (Chapter 11)

What Should I know About Prison Staff Hierarchy? Navigating the bureaucracy of federal prison requires at least a cursory knowledge of the key players and their roles. This section provides a basic overview to consider for those going inside. Bureaucratic Structure:...

What Should I Know About Prison Transfers? (Chapter 10)

What Should I Know About Prison Transfers? Based upon the number of minimum-security camps in the federal prison system, we estimate that less than 20% of the federal prison population gets the privilege of voluntarily surrendering. Being able to surrender to federal...

What Happens at the Sentencing Hearing and After? (Chapter 9)

What Happens at the Sentencing Hearing and After? In most cases, after a person enters a guilty plea, or after a jury finds a person guilty, the judge sets a sentencing date. Those sentencing dates may be extended if the person is cooperating with authorities....

What is a Sentence-Mitigation Plan? (Chapter 6)

What is a Sentence-Mitigation Plan? When is the right time think about a sentence-mitigation plan? Answering that question reminds me of an old saying about the best time to plant an oak tree. I heard a speaker ask that question to members of his audience....

First Step Act & Post-Conviction Proceedings (Chapter 5)

In the United States, we like to say that a person is presumed innocent until there has been a finding of guilt. Defendants don’t always feel that presumption of guilt. A criminal charge may result in being ostracized by friends, loss of employment, and even loss of...

What are Criminal Justice Proceedings? (Chapter 4)

Once you hire a criminal defense lawyer, you hope for an advocate to help navigate the criminal justice system. Unfortunately, hiring a defense attorney is only the beginning of a long and challenging journey. Understanding the criminal justice process can help you...

How to Find a Criminal Defense Lawyer (Chapter 3)

Darren had been in business for more than a decade, and he worked with corporate lawyers extensively. He contacted me when he realized that some of his decisions on the job were about to expose him to problems with regulatory agencies, and possibly to challenges with...