Jussie Smollett Sentencing Hearing
“What should Jussie Smollett tell the Judge at his sentencing?,” a journalist in Chicago asked me this morning. Great question, because the […]
7 Strategies I Used To Get A Shorter Federal Prison Sentence
You are on here to learn how to get the lowest possible federal prison sentence. This video will help you! In this […]
Sentencing Day
Sentencing day for a defendant is both a good and bad day. The bad, of course, is obvious: there is a chance […]
Sentencing Mitigation Plan: 6 Months Instead of 37-46 Months In Federal Prison
In sum, an effective sentence mitigation plan will strive to achieve several outcomes: • It will help the judge see and understand […]
4 Tragic Federal Sentencing Mistakes
January 15, 2020 If you are reading this, I commend you. It proves you will invest the time–or are at least considering […]